Posts Tagged Multitasking

Multitasking versus Tunnelvision

Men and women think differently, and it’s the force of humanity. But the younger souls have problems spanning the gab, where the older souls have both kinds of thinking, although their own genders capabilities is supreme.

Woman think in space where men think in time, woman have wide-angle lens where men have a zoom objective, or as seen from women: multitasking versus tunnel vision😃

It means that women are much more detail oriented than men, or at least put more emphasis on details, where men have a tendency to overlook details. Men are much more interested in consequences, in planning, and it may have been men who created the Spanish word Manyana.


In old societies it was usually the woman who took care of the village, where the men were hunters or fighters. The men could hunt a large animal for days or weeks until it was tired enough to be killed. When they returned to the village with the prey, they didn’t do anything before the next hunt was necessary or a skirmish with their neighbor village. The woman took care of the daily details of the village, and each day were as the next.

Today the woman in Africa start small shops and business, as its a natural continuation of their previous care taking of the village. The men have more difficulties finding their place in a materialistic society.

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