A Prediction – an I Ching experiment

I Ching is maybe the oldest esoteric number system and even though it’s old it’s still a precise system. Each sign describe the human inner state or outer interaction and a sequence describe the stages of human development or karmic tasks.

Each century is a school class with a new curriculum and I Ching describes what each year and century is about. I use it in the following to describe the years from 2018 to 2026. The description for 2018 is also the description of the years through the nineteenth century (18xx), and so forth.

▪️2018 Beginning to remove the corrupt/rotten

The world is in decay, the reason has to be removed.

“We must first know the causes of corruption before we can do away with them… Decisiveness and energy must take the place of inertia and indifference that have led to decay, in order that the ending may be followed by a new beginning.”

▪️2019 Here starts the spring, the winter is ending

We have been at the deepest point, we are leaving winter behind us and are ready to ascend through spring, success is sure but perseverance is needed.

▪️2020 A contemplative year

Purification and raising of God in the inner, transforming and inspiring. A hidden spiritual power emanates, influencing and dominating others without being aware. See Horoscope for 2020.

▪️2021 A year about biting through

Is about law and penalties, and finding an equilibrium to overcome the disturbances of harmonious social life.

▪️2022 is about grace

A fire breaks out of the secret depths and is purifying the earth.

“By contemplating the forms existing in the heavens we come to understand time and its changing demands. Through contemplation of the forms existing in human society, it becomes possible to shape the world.”

This will be a good year for contemplation and creativity in the small, if ones heart is not full of fear, see Ukraine War.

▪️2023 Splitting apart – Collapse

The systems are collapsing, not by direct means, but by undermining it gradually and imperceptibly. The wise keep a low profile, karma at work, only time can handle this.

“The mountain rests on the earth.  When it is steep and narrow, lacking a broad base, it must topple over.  Its position is strong only when it rises out of the earth broad and great, not proud and steep. So likewise those who rule rest on the broad foundation of the people.  They too should be generous and benevolent, like the earth that carries all.  Then they will make their position as secure as a mountain is in its tranquillity.”

▪️2024 Return – The Turning Point – The time of darkness is past

“After a time of decay comes the turning point.  The powerful light that has been banished returns.”

The ascend is beginning, not by force but by grace and devotion, it’s natural and spontaneous. The old is discarded and the new introduced without much resistance.

Societies of people sharing the same views are formed publicly and in harmony with the time and without selfish separatist tendencies or errors. It follows the cycles of nature so it’s not necessary to hasten anything artificially it comes at the appointed time.

▪️2025 Innocence – The New Start

“When movement follows the law of heaven, man is innocent and without guile.  His mind is natural and true, unshadowed by reflection or ulterior designs.  For wherever conscious purpose is to be seen, there the truth and innocence of nature have been lost.”

“Man has received from heaven a nature innately good, to guide him in all his movements. By devotion to this divine spirit within himself, he attains an unsullied innocence that leads him to do right with instinctive sureness and without any ulterior thought of reward and personal advantage.”

▪️2026 Taming Power of the Great

The sages are entrusted with leadership and they engage in the society with care and nourishing. They are in harmony with heaven and even great and difficult undertakings will succeed.

▪️2027 Taking Care of Ourselves and Others

The wisest teachers of humanity inspire the leaders of the soul groups whose members again listen to their leaders and a new kind of culture spreads over the earth in harmony with nature.

“The great man fosters and takes care of superior men, in order to take care of all men through them.”

“Thus the superior man is careful of his words and temperate in eating and drinking. … tranquillity keeps the words that come out of the mouth from exceeding proper measure, and keeps the food that goes into the mouth from exceeding its proper measure. Thus character is cultivated.”


Quotes from Richard Wilhelm’s and Cary F. Baynes’ translations of the classic “I Ching: Or, Book of Changes

The deeper understanding of the I Ching signs form and background: The Taoist Triad and the Three Logoi

What we experience is the Return of Christ and the end of materialism, and this is hard as an earthquake: The Return of Christ ~Rudolf Steiner

How to tame technology.

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  1. #1 by Maate on October 9, 2022 - 12:53 am

    thank you so much for your work, went back and read your WWIII article via the Ukraine link; read it before but it was new and refreshed by this time. A long-time reader …

    Liked by 1 person

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