Why are there so much pain on Earth?

It’s a question often asked by atheists, and a good one too, but they use it as an excuse to set themselves out on the sidelines yelling at those who try to make the world a better place.

God didn’t create our paradise, he created a paradise, the beautiful Earth, and gave it to us. We have the responsibility for the Earth, and it’s not better than we make it. It’s so to speak our apprenticeship what we do with ourselves and the Earth, we are a unity.

Suffering, the short story

Why do people suffer as they do? The short answer is that they have created the situation themselves, that they had acted in a way so they needed to experience the situation seen from the other side. As everywhere else, there are exceptions.

It’s not God or gods who punish the sinners, we create the situation ourselves.

We should of course help each other, it’s not punishment, it’s teaching, and being helped and being a helper is part of the teaching, Love is the primary goal of the teaching on Earth.

If we have Hell in our inner when we die, it follows us into the afterlife and when born again, the new life is created based on our inner.

If Vishnu/God had been the only creator, mankind would have been a beautiful creation, a beautiful robot, acting as the gods decreed, but Shiva/Lucifer gave man the ego so we became independent. We were still only animals with egotism, we weren’t truly independent, we acted fully following the rules of Karma.

Prometheus/Lucifer stealing the fire of knowledge
from the gods to give to humankind.

At a certain time where the body was ready, the outer gods died and was reborn into the inner of man. Man got a soul with an I, the I AM entered the body. The I was like a rider taming a horse, the ego. Now humanity began changing from tribe mentality to individuals.

This is where we are now. The karma you see is where the bodies with their ego have brought them, their soul have a strong fight getting the body and ego out of the misery.

Life, Death and Compassion

The Earth has a beautiful geography kept alive through movements in the underground, earthquakes and volcanic activity, giving new minerals for plant life to work on.

The Earth is covered with a diverse flora transforming the Earth to a place for life to live and a varied fauna lives in this garden of Earth.

The Earth is beautiful, but Earth has no compassion, every being fight for their place, although so wisely that it makes room for all.

Life dies in this struggle for a place in the world, or they die when earthquakes or fires roams the land, creating new worlds and new life.

Death is no exception, it’s a path out when life has no purpose any more.

To create compassion something new had to happen, and out of the animals was the best suitable selected for developing a being having compassion.

It’s of course a painful process. To develop compassion we need to give the animal an ego, a stepping stone to something higher, but in the process egotism gives many problems.

Is compassion worth the painful process?

God is not a magician, he can’t create something as precious as love by a magical invocation, it has to be created by individual beings who develop love in freedom. And we can’t develop love in a paradise, we can only develop love where people are depending on each other to live.

We are in the last third of that process, and we are in a situation where things are going to change for the better.

Materialism is the last great teaching, we should understand that material things is not making us happy, that it’s really slavery for all.

All development happens through correcting errors.

Errors are build into the system. Just look at nature, there is always exceptions that are corrected. Karma is the mechanism behind the process, orchestrated by the Zodiac.

So of course there are injustice, but they become corrected sooner or later. Black magic is a way to make it later.

The strongest power on Earth is karma. Black magic is manipulating the power of karma, using karmic beings, and in some cases being used by something much worse. It’s really nasty.

The Creators – the Logoi

All creation is defined through three powers, called the three Logoi, but each religion have their own names for them.

They are also called Father, Mother and Son, but each are both genders.

Their work in the creation can be seen through the Fibonacci series, everything from the smallest to galaxies are formed after the Fibonacci series. It also describes sexual reproduction and the development through reincarnation.

It says the new is the result of the two previous instances/incarnations. Creation equal form + idea.

We also have it described in Hegel’s synthesis = thesis + antithesis.

This is the most optimal and simple algorithm for creation where there is only one god.

The Logoi is different consciousnesses in God, every being in God act God’s will, they don’t think independently about what they do, they can’t modify the creation if something goes wrong, so the correction is build into the creation. Or so it was!

In the Bible God sees at the end of the day that the creation is good, it was not possible while creating. The beings of God is to him as our organs is to us, we really don’t know what they do until they fail.

Our creation is different from earlier, except the prototype(s) in whose picture we are created. When we are fully developed we can instantly correct new creation where it goes wrong, and thereby avoid pain.

It is said that this creation is the most painful of all as it’s the most complicated. To create individuals is complicated.

It is said that God before he started, asked the potentially created humanity if it was worth it and we answered yes. First then started the creation.

More here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/kim-graae-munch/golden-mean-key-to-the-universe-/362626749158/


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  1. #1 by MartinIsti on May 3, 2018 - 11:40 pm

    Dear Kim,

    Steiner also summed it up along similar lines of yours in his lecture The Pentecost of the World (17th May, 1923 – I don’t know the GA number):

    “All truly great knowledge, my dear friends, is born out of sorrow and pain.

    When … entrance into the higher worlds is sought, the goal can only be reached by passing through pain. Without having suffered, suffered much, and through suffering become free from the depression of pain, one cannot know the spiritual world.

    During the time indicated by the ten days following the Ascension the Disciples suffered dreadfully, for the Christ was withdrawn from their sight. And out of this infinite pain and sadness sprang that which we know as Pentecost. After that the Christ had been lost to their outward instinctive clairvoyance, the Disciples found Him again, through suffering and sorrow …”


    Thanks for mentioning the Fibonacci series, I haven’t thought about that from the perspective you described!

    Liked by 1 person

    • #2 by Kim Graae Munch on May 4, 2018 - 9:56 am

      Thank you Martin,
      A beautiful quote. I will use it, as some of course don’t agree with my understanding.


  1. The Three Logoi | The Tree of Life

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