The Planet of Love

The earth is called the Planet of Love by the Rosicrucians and the Cosmos of Love by Rudolf Steiner because we were sent down into darkness to transform it into light, to Love, and this was the hardest and most painful creation ever, as love can only be created through pain.

The Three Logoi

There are three creators, the three Logoi, the first is the Father, who goes before the main creator to prepare the creation. He is known as Brahma, Osiris, and Odin.

The second logos, the Word, is the form in which picture the created is molded. He is the Solar or Thunder god and his physical emanation is the universal hero who is known in all cultures, like Krishna/Arjuna, Yahve/Moses, Shamash/Gilgamesh, Thor/Tjálfi, Michael/Jacob, and Christ/John.

The third logos is Sophia, she follows the Word, and she completes the creation. She is the goddess of wisdom and is known everywhere too, like Radha, Sif, Zipporah, Isis, Athena, and Lakshmi.

The Father created the physical form and the earth we walk on. The second logos, which I prefer to call Michael, gave life to the creation, the etheric world, the energy that keeps all of creation alive without which everything would cease to exist.

Before Sophia descended she worked as groupsoul from above while Michael was descended into the physical world, and together they created life. When the human body was ready to receive her the androgyne life got gender, now started the long path toward love. She gave sentience through the addition of the astral body.

Darkness — Resistance against Love

The darkness of Earth consisted of three powers, the Luciferic was egoism, and (s)he was the task for Sophia, the Ahrimanic who was untruth was the task for Michael, and the Asuras who are antilife, fear of life, was the task for the Father.

When the light starts to permeate darkness it has it difficult, all the chaotic feelings and thoughts overwhelm the light, it will in the start be used by darkness and the light uses an enormous amount of time to tame the darkness. Yaldabaoth, Gilgamesh, and the Lion avatar of Visnu are examples of the second logos incarnating into darkness. They change when Sophia descends to create the two genders.

We are the Light

From conception up through life we repeat the development of Earth and all the problems we meet, all our internal fights are with the rests of the primordial darkness, we go through the same as the gods, and we are the gods.

When Christ died, the gods died in the outer world and resurrected in our inner world, from then the soul began to incarnate into the body where it before hovered above, and in that soul was a seed of the second logos’ I AM, and that is us, we are Yahve/Sophia, Christ/Magdalene, Krishna/Radha, Horus/Isis taking the darkness/karma/sin of the body on us and purifying it.

Gnosticism — Dualism

Most Gnostic traditions, except Platon’s, don’t understand that it was according to the good gods’ plan, that it couldn’t be different. They take it as a personal injustice and have created a dualistic religion full of hatred against the second logos.

A Lovestory between Michael and Sophia

The history of Earth is a love story between Michael, the solar logos, and Sophia, the lunar logos, both in the spiritual world and in our inner.

Our astral body with our feelings is our feminine side and our etheric side with our thinking is our masculine side, to love oneself is when thinking and feelings trust each other when the astral and etheric bodies fall in love, first then are we ready to love fully.

The masculine side was created back on the earlier incarnation of Earth called the old Sun, where Michael went through the human development phase. The masculine is plantlike but it made it possible for the gods to develop thinking.

Sophia went through the human development phase on the old Moon and is younger than Michael. The feminine was animal-like on the old moon, it added sentience to the human body.

On Earth, the masculine ascended from the physical while the feminine descended from the spiritual, and it’s visible in their appearance where men are more physical, just as it is in their temperaments.

Making the Feminine and Masculine Fall in Love

Women are conscious in the astral body and use the etheric as a tool while men are conscious in the etheric body and use the astral as a tool, and it explains their different ways of seeing the world and expressing themselves.

When we sleep the etheric and astral body separates after a hard day’s fight, now they need to be purified and energized. We die when there is no possibility for reconciliation, no possibility to learn more in this life.

When the two bodies learn to love each other they are knit together and when we leave the earth they are not separated only the body is left behind, and as memory is in the etheric body we keep our personality from time to time we descend.


I compare many creation stories from different traditions with Sophia as the starting point in the following link, and they practically tell the same story with minor differences: Sophia, Created in the Beginning

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