Posts Tagged Rosicrucianism

The Planet of Love

The earth is called the Planet of Love by the Rosicrucians and the Cosmos of Love by Rudolf Steiner because we were sent down into darkness to transform it into light, to Love, and this was the hardest and most painful creation ever, as love can only be created through pain.

The Three Logoi

There are three creators, the three Logoi, the first is the Father, who goes before the main creator to prepare the creation. He is known as Brahma, Osiris, and Odin.

The second logos, the Word, is the form in which picture the created is molded. He is the Solar or Thunder god and his physical emanation is the universal hero who is known in all cultures, like Krishna/Arjuna, Yahve/Moses, Shamash/Gilgamesh, Thor/Tjálfi, Michael/Jacob, and Christ/John.

The third logos is Sophia, she follows the Word, and she completes the creation. She is the goddess of wisdom and is known everywhere too, like Radha, Sif, Zipporah, Isis, Athena, and Lakshmi.

The Father created the physical form and the earth we walk on. The second logos, which I prefer to call Michael, gave life to the creation, the etheric world, the energy that keeps all of creation alive without which everything would cease to exist.

Before Sophia descended she worked as groupsoul from above while Michael was descended into the physical world, and together they created life. When the human body was ready to receive her the androgyne life got gender, now started the long path toward love. She gave sentience through the addition of the astral body.

Darkness — Resistance against Love

The darkness of Earth consisted of three powers, the Luciferic was egoism, and (s)he was the task for Sophia, the Ahrimanic who was untruth was the task for Michael, and the Asuras who are antilife, fear of life, was the task for the Father.

When the light starts to permeate darkness it has it difficult, all the chaotic feelings and thoughts overwhelm the light, it will in the start be used by darkness and the light uses an enormous amount of time to tame the darkness. Yaldabaoth, Gilgamesh, and the Lion avatar of Visnu are examples of the second logos incarnating into darkness. They change when Sophia descends to create the two genders.

We are the Light

From conception up through life we repeat the development of Earth and all the problems we meet, all our internal fights are with the rests of the primordial darkness, we go through the same as the gods, and we are the gods.

When Christ died, the gods died in the outer world and resurrected in our inner world, from then the soul began to incarnate into the body where it before hovered above, and in that soul was a seed of the second logos’ I AM, and that is us, we are Yahve/Sophia, Christ/Magdalene, Krishna/Radha, Horus/Isis taking the darkness/karma/sin of the body on us and purifying it.

Gnosticism — Dualism

Most Gnostic traditions, except Platon’s, don’t understand that it was according to the good gods’ plan, that it couldn’t be different. They take it as a personal injustice and have created a dualistic religion full of hatred against the second logos.

A Lovestory between Michael and Sophia

The history of Earth is a love story between Michael, the solar logos, and Sophia, the lunar logos, both in the spiritual world and in our inner.

Our astral body with our feelings is our feminine side and our etheric side with our thinking is our masculine side, to love oneself is when thinking and feelings trust each other when the astral and etheric bodies fall in love, first then are we ready to love fully.

The masculine side was created back on the earlier incarnation of Earth called the old Sun, where Michael went through the human development phase. The masculine is plantlike but it made it possible for the gods to develop thinking.

Sophia went through the human development phase on the old Moon and is younger than Michael. The feminine was animal-like on the old moon, it added sentience to the human body.

On Earth, the masculine ascended from the physical while the feminine descended from the spiritual, and it’s visible in their appearance where men are more physical, just as it is in their temperaments.

Making the Feminine and Masculine Fall in Love

Women are conscious in the astral body and use the etheric as a tool while men are conscious in the etheric body and use the astral as a tool, and it explains their different ways of seeing the world and expressing themselves.

When we sleep the etheric and astral body separates after a hard day’s fight, now they need to be purified and energized. We die when there is no possibility for reconciliation, no possibility to learn more in this life.

When the two bodies learn to love each other they are knit together and when we leave the earth they are not separated only the body is left behind, and as memory is in the etheric body we keep our personality from time to time we descend.


I compare many creation stories from different traditions with Sophia as the starting point in the following link, and they practically tell the same story with minor differences: Sophia, Created in the Beginning

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A Prediction – an I Ching experiment

I Ching is maybe the oldest esoteric number system and even though it’s old it’s still a precise system. Each sign describe the human inner state or outer interaction and a sequence describe the stages of human development or karmic tasks.

Each century is a school class with a new curriculum and I Ching describes what each year and century is about. I use it in the following to describe the years from 2018 to 2026. The description for 2018 is also the description of the years through the nineteenth century (18xx), and so forth.

▪️2018 Beginning to remove the corrupt/rotten

The world is in decay, the reason has to be removed.

“We must first know the causes of corruption before we can do away with them… Decisiveness and energy must take the place of inertia and indifference that have led to decay, in order that the ending may be followed by a new beginning.”

▪️2019 Here starts the spring, the winter is ending

We have been at the deepest point, we are leaving winter behind us and are ready to ascend through spring, success is sure but perseverance is needed.

▪️2020 A contemplative year

Purification and raising of God in the inner, transforming and inspiring. A hidden spiritual power emanates, influencing and dominating others without being aware. See Horoscope for 2020.

▪️2021 A year about biting through

Is about law and penalties, and finding an equilibrium to overcome the disturbances of harmonious social life.

▪️2022 is about grace

A fire breaks out of the secret depths and is purifying the earth.

“By contemplating the forms existing in the heavens we come to understand time and its changing demands. Through contemplation of the forms existing in human society, it becomes possible to shape the world.”

This will be a good year for contemplation and creativity in the small, if ones heart is not full of fear, see Ukraine War.

▪️2023 Splitting apart – Collapse

The systems are collapsing, not by direct means, but by undermining it gradually and imperceptibly. The wise keep a low profile, karma at work, only time can handle this.

“The mountain rests on the earth.  When it is steep and narrow, lacking a broad base, it must topple over.  Its position is strong only when it rises out of the earth broad and great, not proud and steep. So likewise those who rule rest on the broad foundation of the people.  They too should be generous and benevolent, like the earth that carries all.  Then they will make their position as secure as a mountain is in its tranquillity.”

▪️2024 Return – The Turning Point – The time of darkness is past

“After a time of decay comes the turning point.  The powerful light that has been banished returns.”

The ascend is beginning, not by force but by grace and devotion, it’s natural and spontaneous. The old is discarded and the new introduced without much resistance.

Societies of people sharing the same views are formed publicly and in harmony with the time and without selfish separatist tendencies or errors. It follows the cycles of nature so it’s not necessary to hasten anything artificially it comes at the appointed time.

▪️2025 Innocence – The New Start

“When movement follows the law of heaven, man is innocent and without guile.  His mind is natural and true, unshadowed by reflection or ulterior designs.  For wherever conscious purpose is to be seen, there the truth and innocence of nature have been lost.”

“Man has received from heaven a nature innately good, to guide him in all his movements. By devotion to this divine spirit within himself, he attains an unsullied innocence that leads him to do right with instinctive sureness and without any ulterior thought of reward and personal advantage.”

▪️2026 Taming Power of the Great

The sages are entrusted with leadership and they engage in the society with care and nourishing. They are in harmony with heaven and even great and difficult undertakings will succeed.

▪️2027 Taking Care of Ourselves and Others

The wisest teachers of humanity inspire the leaders of the soul groups whose members again listen to their leaders and a new kind of culture spreads over the earth in harmony with nature.

“The great man fosters and takes care of superior men, in order to take care of all men through them.”

“Thus the superior man is careful of his words and temperate in eating and drinking. … tranquillity keeps the words that come out of the mouth from exceeding proper measure, and keeps the food that goes into the mouth from exceeding its proper measure. Thus character is cultivated.”


Quotes from Richard Wilhelm’s and Cary F. Baynes’ translations of the classic “I Ching: Or, Book of Changes

The deeper understanding of the I Ching signs form and background: The Taoist Triad and the Three Logoi

What we experience is the Return of Christ and the end of materialism, and this is hard as an earthquake: The Return of Christ ~Rudolf Steiner

How to tame technology.

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On Rudolf Steiner’s prediction of the Third World War and its Spiritual Background

‘Wherever love and compassion are active in life, we can perceive the magic breath of the spirit blowing through the sense world.” ~Rudolf Steiner

World History in its Making

What we are seeing now is going to change the world for all time. Materialism in the West is on the decline and the Czarism of the East is likewise going to disappear, and this last is what the current war is about. Between the East and West, we have Europe, and it has been split between these two paradigms, but now it has begun its fight for the independence of these two world views. Steiner describes the three in this way:

“The religious impulses of the particular ethnic groups will contribute in their different ways to an understanding of this tripartite division of man.

  • The East and the Russian people to the understanding of the spirit;
  • The West to an understanding of the body;
  • Central Europe to an understanding of the soul.

But all these impulses are interwoven of course.” ~From GA 185

In the following, I will look at Steiner’s prediction of a potential WW between the USA on one side and Russia and China on the other, and on USA’s first Pluto return and its connection with the prediction, and Steiner’s description of the background on the polarity between Russia and America, and between Czarism and the Soul of the Slavs. Steiner on Czarism versus the Russian folk soul:

“Czarism and Russianism have always been strangers to each other, they never had anything in common. Those who understand the Russian nature, especially its piety, must have found the attitude to the elimination of Czarism as something self-evident when the time was ripe.” See From Symptom to Reality in Modern History.

I made a horoscope for 2020 in March that year, seen from an astrological, esoteric, and karmic historic view, and it was maybe the most impressive horoscope in 2000 years, it was about the end of American materialism. I predicted that Trump would lose, but still try to keep the power, but would fail in the attempt. Three times before the same happened in Rome, France and Germany, but this time without success: Horoscope for 2020.

I looked into the many texts on the Return of Christ and the resistance the opposition would present us with, and my conclusion was that 2020 was the crucial year where we would show if we had understood our curriculum, and we had.

Greatest Potential for Violence

As a result of the return of Christ I began looking at the three major cultures where people have difficulties becoming free on their own, where the potential for violence is greatest, and that is Russia, China, and the Islamic world, so I expected that we would see confrontations in one way or the other in the coming sunspot (See Steiner on Sunspots) period, but in a lesser scale than in the previous periods, as the potential for evil is weaker now than in many many years.

I have followed how Russia and China have increased their military involvement in recent times, especially China has increased the pressure on neighboring countries, such as India Nepal, and especially Taiwan, just as they torment their minorities, such as the Tibetans whose monasteries and shrines they destroy.

The Return of Christ

We are living under the return of Christ, it’s not just something abstract, the spiritual world is full of light. See: Steiner’s description on what happens now.

The coronavirus created a gap between the etheric and physical body, making people more perceptible to the spiritual and less inclined to act out of the physical, less inclined to create karma. Steiner has described it with Goethe and in connection with the smallpox vaccine, and I have written about it in more groups and in my 2020 astrological prediction. Many spiritual people have experienced this separation. Materialists are less motivated to manifest their will in the physical world, golf may be more interesting than winning an election. See Horoscope for 2020.

It seems that the Russian soldiers are disillusioned, that they even disobey orders when ordered to shoot at villages with civilians. Many soldiers thought it was an exercise other was told the Ukrainians welcomed them with roses, but they were stopped by civilians who stood in front of their vehicles or they were shot at in combat.

The world has become magical, it may mean that war becomes near impossible in the future when all are permeated by the etheric, with Christ. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think we are out for some surprises. I expected some miracles in Ukraine, but the reality has surpassed my expectations, and I think everyone’s expectations.

Steiner’s Predictions

I had started looking at the horoscope for 2022 as there seemed to be something relevant for the tensions at the Ukrainian border. Under this work I was made aware that Steiner had warned about a new world war between USA On one side and Russia and China on the other side if we hadn’t solved the problem of materialism (Ahrimanic) through the twentieth century.

If the west hadn’t incorporated the spiritual in its thinking, so we could meet the east through the spiritual, we would end in a world war again. 2020 was the test, if materialism had won we would have had Trump as commander in chief for the American military forces today.

One of the biggest problems is that people react against the ruling classes, and this will be the trigger for the rulers to start the war, following Steiner, but because the underlying evil has been weakened through the twentieth century there is no will for war, humanity had learned of their pain.

Steiner on the War

The Second World War [Third, see *1 below] which will be fought between Asia and America — along with what is between them — is absolutely necessary to happen and the reasons for this will be economic. You must be hearing the calls of the lower classes for a world revolution — the only way to obscure and hide this idea of a world revolution would be to ignite the catastrophe of another World War. It just has no alternative.” ~The Course for Speakers to Promote the Idea of Threefolding CW 338. Lecture 12, Jan 2, 1921

The main opponent will be China, even though it looks like it is Russia now. China is building silos for atomic missiles all over the country, and they create artificial islands in the Chinese Sea on other countries’ territory, where they place their military, and they move into the Indian Ocean too. They prepare for war.

Steiner on China:

The real opposition (Gegensatz) is not between America and Russia — it is only apparently so. The real clash will be between China and America. And the question is whether it will be fought in Europe or in the Pacific. Europe can only hope that this will happen in the Pacific area.” Koberwitz in June 1924 Rudolf Steiner – I can’t find the original.

Steiner’s goal was to spread the spiritual way of thinking out to all of humanity so the world became one, as it would hinder the devastating World War, and he succeeded, he coined the phrase New Age and this is shared between all of humanity, making it possible for all of humanity to speak in a shared language. The old tribe or national cultures are destroyed everywhere through materialism, most visible in Mao’s cultural war, in the USA have Hollywood and it’s entertainment industry done the same on world scale.

Steiner on the Background and How not to End in a Devastating War:

Let there be no mistake about it — so long as the dealings of Europeans and Americans with Asia are confined to purely economic and industrial interests, so long will there be distrust in the hearts of Asiatics. People may talk as much as they like about disarmament, about the desirability of ending wars. …A great war will break out between the East and the West, in spite of all disarmament conferences, if the people of Asia cannot perceive something that flows over to them from the Spirit of the West.

Western spirituality can spread over to Asia and if it does, Asia will be able to trust it, because with their own inherent, though somewhat decadent spirituality, the Asiatic peoples will be able to understand what it means. The peace of the world depends upon this, not upon the conversations and discussions now going on among the leaders of outer civilisation. …

Everything depends upon insight into the Spirit that is lying hidden in European and American culture — the Spirit from which men flee, which for the sake of ease they would fain avoid, but which alone can set the feet of humanity on the path of ascent.

People like to put their heads in the sand, saying that things will improve of themselves. No, they will not. The hour of a great decision has struck. Either men will resolve to bring forth the spirituality of which I have spoken, or the decline of the West is inevitable. Hopes and fatalistic longings for things to right themselves are of no avail.

Once and forever, man has passed into the epoch when he must manipulate his powers out of his own freewill. In other words: it is for men themselves to decide for or against spirituality. If the decision is positive, progress will be possible; if not, the doom of the West is sealed and in the wake of dire catastrophes the further evolution of humanity will take a course undreamed of today. Those who would strive for true insight into these matters should not, nay dare not, neglect the study of the life of soul in mankind at large, and in the different peoples, especially of East and West.” ~Cosmic Forces in Man, Lecture 1, Oslo, November 24, 1921 ga209,

Evil is Cyclic – or like a Pendulum

Steiner told also how the sunspots visualized the strength of evil, and all wars started at the spikes, and ended in the valleys, no exceptions in the twentieth century! See Sunspots and evil activity

In the twentieth century the amount of evil was immensely high, causing WW1 and 2 and especially the Vietnam war, but from the Vietnam War and forward evil began to dwindle, so the will to kill is little today, and our attention on war is more focused today. Humanity transformed evil to wisdom and pain to love.

Evil is cyclic, it’s like flood and ebb, and now it’s flood, but the maximal possible watermark isn’t very high. The activity of evil has been increasing toward a local maximum since 2020, so something is brewing, but it will be weaker than it was at the top at the previous maxima.

On April 12th Jupiter meets Neptune

On April 12th Jupiter meets Neptune in their home in Pisces, and the last time that took place was in 1856 when the Crimea peace was signed. It was of course at the bottom of a sunspot as wars end in valleys, and as evil is increasing now it may dampen evil or there may come a temporary peace agreement.

Added May 27: after April 12 the world began helping Ukraine with heavy weapons, and the EU began talking about starting the process for Ukraine to become a member.

I think we are at the first spike now, wars typically start at the second spike, five to eight years into the period, but we will see.

The USA out of Childhood

The other important astrological transit this year is when Pluto becomes conjunct with Pluto in the birth horoscope for the USA, and Pluto describes the ages for countries where Saturn does for humans.

This is the first time, the USA is coming out of childhood. Pluto is leaving the darkness in 2023, and although a short trip backward, the air becomes lighter when it moves into Aquarius. The USA becomes a teenager, it’s time for a love affair, and leaving the materialistic childishness behind.

On the first return on February 20-21, the problem presents itself, the annexation of the eastern territories of Ukraine was the first physical step in defining the problem.

Around July 12, Pluto goes retrograde, and as Pluto is about transformation there may come outer problems that will force inner transformation, where China may become tired of awaiting its chance. The last return will be on December 27 with a kind of result.

World History – Putin versus Ukraine

What we witness is world history, and the Ukrainian fight will stand as the most important in modern history, and their president will earn monuments. They defend Central Europe as they have done before.

The Ukrainians come from Scandinavia, then fighting with Thor now with Michael as a symbol of freedom. It is very symbolic that both Vladimir and Volodymyr come from the old Scandinavian Valdamarr, today Valdemar in Danish, meaning the Ruler of the World. I am impressed by the Ukrainian and I can recognize the Viking inheritance, although the Danes have been more spoiled by fate. I am also impressed by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a Russian-speaking Jew whose family lost members to Holocaust. I think this is also telling about the Ukrainian people, that their trust is not dependent on language or genes. He has risen from a comedian to be the perfect world leader, this is so surprising that it should make esotericists think!

The question is what Ruling tradition do we want, czarism or a Goethean tradition of Central Europe?

Taiwan in the Chinese Sea corresponds to Ukraine, and the countries around China lie between China and USA in the same way as Europe lies between Russia and USA!

Rudolf Steiner on the Spiritual Background

The Slav Spiritual Stream versus Czarism

What we see now is a continuation of what happened many times before, that the Russian state has tried to bind the Slav Soul to the Russian state.

“The testament of Peter the Great appeared on the scene in 1813, or perhaps a little earlier, and was disseminated for good reason as though it stemmed from Peter the Great himself.

Peter the Great

This document is used to seize hold of a natural stream, such as the stream of the Slav soul, in order to guide and lead it by means of suggestion. Whither is it to be led? It is to be led into the orbit of Russianism in such a way that the ancient Slav stream should become, in a way, the bearer of the idea of a Russian state!

Because this is so, a clear distinction must be made between the spiritual Slav stream, the stream that exists as the bearer of the ancient Slav tradition, and that which strives to become an external vessel to encompass the whole of this Slav stream: Russianism. …

For Russianism wants to confine the Slav element within its own framework and use it as its tool. It wants to contain it within the confines of the testament of Peter the Great. …

Obviously, therefore, only those who understood the Slav element more deeply could understand what web was really being woven, and also that those who wanted to destroy the Slav element through Russianism had to work against more healthy endeavours.” From R. Steiner, “The Karma of Untruthfulness”, Vol. 1, GA 173, lecture 3.

Linguistic Divisions of the East Slavs

Putin have studied Peter the Great what the following article show: What Putin Learned from Peter the Great.

Russian Intelligentia and the Group Soul

Steiner says that the folk soul is revered by the Russian intelligentsia as something great and significant something they aspire toward, not understanding that they are holding the Russian people back in their development. Steiner from Preparing for the Sixth Epoch:

“What we call the group soul, out of which mankind has gradually emerged and in which the animal kingdom still lives, that is what is revered by the Russian intelligentsia as something great and significant among their people. They cannot rise to the thought that the community of the future must hover as a high ideal, an ideal that has yet to be realized.

Yes, but this life in the group soul does not in reality belong to the future at all, for it is the old form of group soul existence. If it continued it would be a Luciferic group soul, a form of life that has remained at an earlier stage, whereas the form of group soul life that is true and must be striven for, is what we try to find in spiritual science.

▪️What we should like to say to the East is this: It is our task to overcome entirely just what you are trying to preserve in an external form, namely, an old Luciferic-Ahrimanic form of community.

In a community of a Luciferic-Ahrimanic character there will be coercion of belief as rigid as that established by the Orthodox Catholic Church in Russia.

▪️Such community will not understand true freedom of thought; least of all will it be able to rise to the level where complete individuality is associated with a social life in which brotherhood prevails.”

This also explains the way they sacrifice their soldiers in war. It’s reminiscent of the Mongol horde, they send the soldiers against the enemy in endless numbers without any other strategy than spread fear and chaos and thereby tire the enemy. No other army in the world loses more soldiers than the Russian. They have in the short time of this war lost more soldiers than in their Afghanistan war, the war that crippled the USSR.

What the intelligentsia stands for is Czarism:
Czarism and Russianism have always been strangers to each other, they never had anything in common. Those who understand the Russian nature, especially its piety, must have found the attitude to the elimination of Czarism as something self-evident when the time was ripe.” See Steiner: From Symptom to Reality in Modern History.

The Goethean Central Europe as a pendulum between East and West

Europe is in the center between the Egoism symbolized by the rulers of Russia and the Heartlessness of the materialistic system of America, swaying from side to side, split in two over many years.

What we have experienced in connection with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is that Europe and even the world have shown compassion for the victim, usually, the world is separated into two equally large blocks. Humanity are now following an inner moral where they earlier followed an outer moral.

The Founding Fathers of the Central European Culture.

Rudolf Steiner in Central Europe between East and West:

“Our souls have to tend to that which was prepared in the Central European culture especially expressing that we are put pendulum-like between two powers permeating the world and that we must find the balance.

We have to realise that, on the one side, the world strives for ahrimanic hardening, strives to get solidified in the fire of the purely material; that it strives, on the other side, to ascend egotistically to an abstract spirituality. Following the one or other side would ruin the Central European human being.

Following only the science engaged in the external senses would persuade us to tear the roses from the cross and only to look at that which solidifies. We would gain a world view gradually which would completely deflect the human being from looking at the spiritual. It would allow to only looking at that which has solidified ahrimanically. …

Therefore, the cross wound around by roses was the symbol of Goethe who positioned himself in the spirituality of the Central European culture. It must be our symbol. …

It is expressed to us in our symbol, in the rose cross, what we want to take up more and more in our souls, in our feelings when we come together in a room dedicated to our attempts. Then we can be sure that the spirits who lead the earth development in good sense exist invisible among us; that our words, that all our thoughts and feelings, while we dedicate ourselves to the spiritual-scientific attempts that all this is really supported in such a room by the spiritual powers guiding our attempts.” GA 159

Europe becoming one again

The Origin of the Eastern and Western Poles

To develop an I without egotism Europe was placed between Egotism to the East and Heartless materialism to the West. Europe became a pendulum that moved between these extremes.

Today Europe is finding their Equilibrium and is beginning to stand on their own feet, and both Russia and USA is becoming free of their curses.

From Rudolf Steiner’s “Genghis Khan and the Discovery of America”:

The East Pole — The Luciferic powers of the Mongols

“It was actually the descendants of the old Atlantean teachers who were now working from a place in Asia. A priest there had been educated to behold — to have a belated vision, as it were, of what the Atlanteans called the “Great Spirit,” and to receive his commands.

These the priest communicated to a young man of remarkable energy and strength who, by virtue of this authority, received the name “The Great Ruler of the Earth” from his community. This was Genghis Khan (c. 1158–1162 – August 18, 1227). The Great Spirit, through his follower and through that priest, gave to Genghis Khan the command to summon all the powers of Asia to spread the influence that would lead the fifth post-Atlantean age back into a luciferic form. …

Genghis Khan’s generals

All the unrest and disturbance that came into the evolution of modern man through the Mongolian invasions, everything connected with them that has gone on working into the fifth post-Atlantean epoch — all this unrest, which was prepared long ago, is nothing more than the great attempt that is being made from Asia to bring about a visionary European culture.

It would cut it off from the conditions of its further evolution and lead it altogether away from the earth, just as the East has experienced again and again this feeling of being filled with vision and of wanting to be estranged from the earth. [Eighth Sphere.]

Something was needed to counterbalance this tendency. An opposite trend had to be created as a counterforce that moves in the direction of the normal evolution of mankind.

The influence of Genghis Khan’s priest was intended to bring about a kind of buoyancy and lightness in the human race that would draw man away from the earth.”

The West Pole — The Ahrimanic Powers of Taotl

“Over against this, a corresponding heaviness had to come to man from the weight of the earth; this was provided through the discovery of the western world. America, with all that it holds, was discovered and thereby earth heaviness, the desire to remain on earth, was given to man.

Europe discovers America in 1492

The discovery of America and everything connected with it, and the way man carried his life into the many new places of the earth, all this, when seen in wider connections, shows itself as a counterbalancing force to the activity of Genghis Khan.

America had to be discovered so that man might be brought to grow closer to the earth, to grow more and more materialistic. Man needed weight and heaviness to counterbalance the spiritualization that was the aim of the descendants of the “Great Spirit.” …

While it is comparatively easy to see how the luciferic [Egoistic] influence worked on Genghis Khan — we have exact knowledge of the fact that a priest was initiated by the follower of the “Great Spirit” — it is much more difficult to say how the ahrimanic spirit worked. This is because the ahrimanic [materialistic] influence is dispersed and scattered. [Materialism is a system not individuals.] …

Study the reaction of Europe to the gradual discovery and opening up of America and you will see what temptations came from that direction. Taken all in all, it is a history of temptation woven in with a history that runs a normal course.” ~GA171

It is interesting that Vladimir and Volodymyr both are of Viking heritage, Valdamarr in old Scandinavian, Valdemar in modern Danish, meaning Ruler of the World. This is the choice, the egoism of Djengis Khan or the freedom of Michael.

East, West and the Double

Man consists of body, soul and spirit, but besides that there is a foreign element called the double, containing elemental beings we fight with through our life. The double is the animal part in us, what we developed through the old Moon, together with the added karma and trauma developed on earth. This double is like a nature power influenced from the earth depending on where the person lives. In America the double is influenced by Ahrimanic powers and in Asia by Luciferic powers.

From Rudolf Steiner’s “Individual Spirit Beings and the Undivided Foundation of the World”:

“The strange thing is that this subconscious that we carry within us is taken hold of by another being under all circumstances. This means that we are not only a fusion of body, soul, and spirit, carrying within us through the world our soul, which is independent of our body; shortly before birth another being takes possession of the subconscious portions of the human being. This being is there, this subconscious being that accompanies man the entire way between birth and death. Somewhat before birth it enters man and accompanies him.

One can also characterize this being as one that permeates man in those parts that do not come into his ordinary consciousness: it is a very intelligent being and possessed of a will that is akin to the forces of nature; in its will it is much more closely related to the forces of nature than is man. …

This earth, however, not only consists of skeleton but is a living organism, and this earth sends from its center to every point on the surface, to every territory, special forces. Picture for yourself the surface of the earth (see drawing):

Ahriman, the heartless, to the West, Lucifer, egotism, to the East.

Here is the Eastern region, there the Western region, to take it only on a large scale. The forces that are transmitted from the earth are something that belong to the life organism of the earth. Depending on whether a human being lives on this or that spot on earth, his soul, this immortal soul, does not come directly in contact with these forces but only indirectly — the immortal soul of man is relatively independent of earthly conditions. The soul is only artificially dependent upon earthly conditions, as was shown today. …

It is thus this “double,” which man bears within him, upon whom the geographic and other differentiations particularly exert their influences.”

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The Mythical Constant of the Universe – 137

The most mystical and mythical number in the universe, both within science and esotericism.

Esoterically it defines God and man as we are created in the picture of God. It shows God as one, as three in the Trinity or body, soul and spirit, and the seven Elohim or seven human spiritual bodies.

For physicists, it describes the universe. It’s called the fine-structure constant and is one of the key physical constants of the universe.

“This immutable number determines how stars burn, how chemistry happens, and even whether atoms exist at all,” as Michael Brooks explained in a New Scientist article.

If this value was changed just a little the universe would end in chaos that would not have been habitable, where life, as we know it, couldn’t have evolved.

From Wikipedia:

Since the early 1900s, physicists have postulated that the number could lie at the heart of a grand unified theory, relating theories of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and, especially, gravity.

The fine-structure constant, a dimensionless physical constant, is approximately 1/137.

Lederman expounded on the significance of the number in his book The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, noting that not only was it the inverse of the fine-structure constant, but was also related to the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon—i.e., Feynman’s conjecture.

He added that it also “contains the crux of electromagnetism (the electron), relativity (the velocity of light), and quantum theory (Planck’s constant).

It would be less unsettling if the relationship between all these important concepts turned out to be one or three or maybe a multiple of pi. But 137?

The number 137, according to Lederman, “shows up naked all over the place”, meaning that scientists on any planet in the universe using whatever units they have for charge or speed, and whatever their version of Planck’s constant may be, will all come up with 137, because it is a pure number.

Lederman recalled that Richard Feynman had even suggested that all physicists put a sign in their offices with the number 137 to remind them of just how much they do not know.

At the range of 10−15 m (1 femtometer), the strong force is approximately 137 times as strong as electromagnetism.

Feynman on 137

“Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to p or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms?

Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil”.

We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!” ~ R. P. Feynman, QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

In Religion

The Bible says that Ishmael, Levi and Amram all lived to be 137 years old. The three appearances make it the most common lifespan of individuals in the Bible.


The Hebrew word קבלה (Kabbalah) has a Gematria (numerical value) of 137.

Kabbalah is generally taken to mean “the received tradition”, which conveys the continuity of a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, the earlier nuance of meaning is seen in the first appearances of its root in the Torah (Exodus 26:5 and 36:12), where it means “parallel” or “corresponding” rather than “receiving”.

It is used to describe the “corresponding loops”, which, when clasped together, enjoined the two sections of the Tabernacle’s ceiling. These loops were suspended directly over the veil that divided the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.

Symbolically, this is the threshold between the physical dimension and the utterly spiritual dimension. In other words, at the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality.



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Sophia is the astral body, Anthropos is the etheric body.

In the Bible, Cain symbolizes the masculine etheric and Abel the feminine astral body.

When they are unified through the Alchemical wedding they become Anthroposophia. This happens on Earth as in Heaven.

Women are more conscious in the astral where men are more conscious in the etheric, this is why men have descended deeper into the physical than women, what even can be seen out of their bodies.

Where we in the first Abrahamic period needed the masculine powers to descend we in this need the feminine to rise again.

The masculine, Anthropos, has ascended from the physical where the feminine, Sophia, has descended from the spiritual and in that way have they developed the lower and upper together. Now they are meeting in the soul after long time of separation.

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The Manichean Stream, Freemasonry, Templars and the Third Logos

I have had some problems with Manes and the Manichean stream, I had difficulties connecting it to the Rosicrucian stream or for them to coexist. I understood the incarnations of the Rosicrucian stream, but the incarnation of Manes didn’t fit in. The knowledge of the Three Logoi changes that, the puzzle pieces began finding each other. There were three streams led by three pairs of personalities, not just one.

I have Steiners text on the Three Logoi here: The Logos Walks the Earth and the Theosophists view here: The Three Logoi in the Theosophical tradition. The subject is difficult, but I think it’s worth it.

Steiner have written a text on the Manichean stream in connection with the Freemasons and Templars, The Temple Legend Lecture Six. The connection with the Third Logos is illuminating, it explains the more physical aspects compared to the Rosicrucian stream. I have added comments in italics starting in the margin where the text itself is indented.

From the Lectures on the Temple Legend

Manichaeism founded a mighty spiritual stream to which the mediaeval Albigensians, Waldensians, and Cathari also belonged, and later the Order of the Templars and through an extraordinary concatenation of relationships, Freemasonry. Freemasonry really belongs here, in spite of the fact that it united with the Rosicrucians.

The tradition is as follows: In Western Asia there lived a merchant who was exceedingly learned. He was the Author of four works: (1) The Mysteries, (2) The Letters, (3) The Gospel, and (4) The Thesaurus. Tradition holds that his death he left the writings to his widow, who was a Persian.

She had once redeemed a slave named Manes and he was called ‘the Son of the Widow.’ His followers called themselves ‘Sons of the Widow.’

Manes designated himself ‘Paraclete’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ promised by Christ to humanity — that is as an incarnation of the Holy Spirit, merely a reincarnation of the same.

This means that Manes was the Third Logos.

In the legend of Manichaeism we have a starting point for this examination. It is the Temple Legend.

The Master architect Hiram Abiff, who was the Third Logos of that time, made his masterpiece, building the Temple of Solomon, showing he was ready to become the next Second Logos. King Hiram was the Second Logos of that time.IMG_2293

In their next incarnation Elijah gave the mantle on to Elisha, the Third Logos became Second Logos. The new Third Logos was the incarnating Jesus, who became one with the Earth, who entered the cave, and disappeared. The old Third Logos came out of the cave, the resurrection of Lazarus, who became the new Second Logos under the evangelist John.
The new Third Logos incarnated as Manes, starting the Stream of Manichaeism, continuing after the old Temple Builder Hiram Abiff.

Manes studied all major religions at that time and Manes was merging the different streams into one.

All these Spiritual Streams came to expression esoterically through legends. The Legend of Manes is a legend dealing with super-sensible truths, a mighty cosmic legend.

The Spirits of Darkness wished to storm the Kingdom of Light. They came to its borders for the attack. They were, however, able to achieve nothing. Now they were to be punished by the Kingdom of Light. But in the Kingdom of Light there is only good. Thus the Demons of Darkness could only have been punished through good.

Therefore the Spirits of the Kingdom of Light took a portion of their own kingdom and mingled it into the Kingdom of Darkness. Thereby a leaven, so to speak, came into the Kingdom of Darkness and a kind of vortex arose.

The soul incarnated into the body.

Death came into it, whereby it consumed itself. It now carried within itself the seed of its own destruction. There then arose from the Kingdom of Light the Archetypal Man, the human race who must mingle with the Kingdom of Darkness and overcome it.

The human body, the physical, etheric and the astral body, is the darkness, and the human soul the redeemer.

The deep and profound thought here contained is the following: the darkness must be overcome through the Kingdom of Light, through the mingling of the Good with the Evil, in order that the Evil may be redeemed, but not through punishment.

The conception underlying this is also that of Theosophy, namely that Evil is only an untimely Good. For example, an excellent piano technique is good, but if the executant wanted to hammer it out on the piano in the concert hall, there it would be evil.

That which without any doubt is evil today must have been, in its own time proper place, good. The guiding forces of the Lemurian epoch would work evil in a later epoch if they were then still mingled in evolution.

Animals are perfect to live the life they live. Emotions like anger, hatred, envy, and many more, and desires of various kind were necessary to be a successful animal. This is what became our inherited sins, when we got a self, the self couldn’t control these powerful emotions and desires, they became an evil.

In ancient epochs, in Atlantis and Lemuria, all knowledge was in part influenced by that which stands above man. Not until our own epoch have men matured to the stage where they have, as brothers, human beings who have passed through all stages since the middle of the Lemurian Race.

To help man against the desires and emotions man was controlled from above, from the group souls. When we were ready to take responsibility we incarnated into the body we earlier had hovered above after Jesus entered the Earth at Golgotha, and we with him.

In the Fifth Root Race, the guidance of the soul from above withdraws, leaving it to take its own paths. In esotericism, the soul was called the Mother or Isis. The Father was the Instructor or Osiris, who represented the inpouring Divine. He is the Revealer. The soul conceives or receives. The soul is the Mother.

Osiris is the First Logos, Isis the Second Logos and Horus the Son the Third Logos.

During the Fifth Root Race the Father withdraws. Then the soul is widowed, becomes the Widow. The soul, which will later on become completely independent, is designated by Manes, the Divine Fructifier, as the Widow. Then Manes designates himself as the Son, [Father is First Logos, Mother is Second Logos and Mani is Third Logos. ] He it is who prepares the soul to become independent.

The Dark Night of the Soul happens when the soul becomes alone.

Everything that comes from him is a call to the Divine-Spiritual Light of the soul, a rebellion of the soul against everything which has not come from out of the soul itself. ‘You must strip off everything that is external revelation, everything that external authority has transmitted to you. Then you must become ripe to behold your own soul.’

This is central, everything external is opinions, rules, illusions, wishful thinking of the ego, feelings, desires, and so forth, what we also know as karma in eastern tradition and sin in western.


From the Kingdom of Light a spark is sent into the Kingdom of Darkness in order that through itself the Darkness may be redeemed, in order that Evil may be overcome through [caring] gentleness.

We must explain the confluence of Life and Form out of the cooperation of Good and Evil. Life becomes form through finding opposition. It does not all at once express itself in a form.

Only consider how Life hurries from form to form. Life has fashioned the lily, then Life overcomes the Form and it passes over into the seed out of which a new form will be born. Life is formless it could[n’t] live out its own nature in itself. Life is everywhere.

Only incarnated does our development have lasting result.

The limited form is the hindrance. There would be no forms if Life were not obstructed and arrested in its forces which stream out in every direction. Form grows precisely out of that which at higher stages appears as fetters.

The new Life is poured into the old Form. What was formerly Life, later becomes Form for a new Life.

The fructification of Manes is today the Life of men. The Form is what has come, like a seed, out of the Lunar Epoch. In that epoch, evolution was the Life of men. Now this is its outer shell, its form.

Our body is the result of the evolution on the old Æon Moon. Manes, who we also know as Jesus or Abel, the Son of Man, was also prepared in that period to take over as the Logos of the physical. He was the archetype of the physical body up through the first half of Earth, where the Second Logos, Cain, the Son of God was the archetype of the human soul.


The triangle pointing down is the Third Logos, the Triangle pointing up is the First Logos, the center or all of it is the Second Logos.

In the confluence of Life and Form, the other is given at the same time. The Good of an earlier age unites with the Good of a newer age. That gives at the same time the possibility of material manifestation, the possibility of manifested existence. That is the doctrine of Manichaeism.

What is the meaning of the utterance of Manes that he is the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, the Son of the Widow? It means that he will prepare for that epoch in which the men of the Sixth Root Race will be led by themselves, by the light of their own souls. [The Third Logos.]


Aton, the sun disc, was the Third Logos
and I think Akhenaten was an incarnation
of the Third Logos.

Manes will create an overlapping stream, a stream which goes further than the stream of the Rosicrucians. The stream of Manes goes over to the Sixth Root Race which has been in preparation since the founding of Christianity. Christianity will appear in its perfected form in the Sixth Root Race.

The Rosicrucian stream is started by the new Second Logos, Lazarus/John, and it concerns the development of the soul. The Stream of the Third Logos, Manichaeism, concerns the body, and it continues after the soul have ended, have raised, preparing the next Æon.

Life as such overcomes every Form. It propagates itself through Christianity and lives in all forms and confessions. Whoever seeks the Christian Life will find it. It creates Forms and shatters Forms. [The Holy Spirit, the redeemed Lucifer, Shiva.

But, in addition, a form for the Christian Life of the Sixth Root Race must be prepared. A number of human beings must be formed into an organization, a Form, in which the Christianity of the Sixth Root Race can find its place. This Form, this external Form of Society must spring from a handful of men whom Manes prepares.

These beings are the pioneers or old souls of the next development phase.

This is the community that Manes prepares. Therefore the first endeavor of Manicheanism is to shape external life in its pure form. That is why Manicheanism laid such great stress on purity.

bodies of manThis is complicated. The Second Logos has it’s I in the soul, it’s the archetype for mankind.
The Third Logos has its I in the astral body, and it’s highest layer is Buddhi.

The Logoi descends down into the creation, with its consciousness creating light in the darkness. It is preparing the bodies for the humanity who will develop in the next Æon, the New Jupiter or New Jerusalem. The Third Logos is the archetype for the next humanity.

The Animals was the perfected result of the last Æon, and up through the first half of the Earth Æon, the Third Logos of that time developed the human body, also working on and with the coming Third Logos. This is also called the Three pre-earthly deeds of Christ/Krishna.

The Cathari were a sect which appeared like a meteor. They gave themselves this name, Cathari, because Cathari means ‘the Pure Ones.’ They were human beings who had to keep themselves pure in their mode of life and in their moral relationships.

In Manicheanism, it was less a question of the cultivation of Life but rather of the cultivation of the external Form of Life for the Sixth Root Race. In this Sixth Root Race, Good and Evil will form a far greater contrast than they do today.

The Third Logos has to do with the body so it has of course to do with the external form.

What will appear in the Fifth Round for the whole of humanity, i.e., that the physiognomy will be a direct expression for that which karma has created in man, so, in the Sixth Root Race, Evil will appear, especially in the Spiritual.

There will be men who are mighty in Love and Goodness. But Evil will also be there as a mood and a disposition without any covering, within a large number of human beings. They will extol Evil. Some inkling in regard to the Evil in the Sixth Root Race glimmers in many men of genius. (Nietzsche’s Blond Beast is a portent of this Evil in the Sixth Root Race.)

The task of the Sixth Root Race is to draw Evil again into itself through [caring] gentleness. In those who are the followers of the Sons of the Widow there will live the inviolable principle that Evil must be overcome through gentleness. That is the task of the Manichean spiritual stream. It appears in forms which many can call to mind, and need not be mentioned. It must express itself in the forming of a community which has to spread above all things: Peace, Love, and Non-resistance to Evil. It must create a Form for the Life that is to come later.

Augustine worked out the Form of the Catholic Church. It was the Form for the present, and had to be the most vigorous opponent of the Form for the future. Augustine, building the Form for the present, Faustus striving to prepare in man the sense for the Form of the future — that was the contrast in the third and fourth centuries after Christ. It is still there. It comes to expression later, again modified and toned down, in the two streams of Augustinianism and Manichaeism.

That is the contrast which developed in the third and fourth centuries A.D. It is still present and finds expression in the struggle of the Catholic Church against the Knights Templars, the Rosicrucians, Albigenses, Cathars and so on. All of them are eliminated from the physical plane, but their inner spirit continues to be active. This contrast manifests again later in modified but still violent form in two currents born out of Western culture, that of Jesuitism (pertaining to Augustine) and that of Freemasonry (Manicheism). Those who lead the battle on the one side are all conscious of what they are doing — they are the Catholics and Jesuits of the higher degrees. Of those, however, who are on the other side, who lead the battle in the spirit of Mani, only very few are conscious; only those at the head of the movement are conscious of it.

Thus Jesuitism (belonging to Augustine) and Freemasonry (Manicheism) confront one another in later centuries. They are the offspring of ancient spiritual currents. That is why you have in both these currents a continuation of the same ceremonies connected with initiation that you find in the old currents. The initiation into Jesuitism has the four degrees: Coadjutores temporales, Scholares, Coadjutores spirituales, Professi. The degrees of initiation in the true occult Freemasonry are similar. The two run parallel to one another but they point in quite different directions.

The peacock was a symbol for Lucifer, the Third Logos, and it
is also connected to Manes:


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The Logos Walks the Earth

“The greatest untold story is the evolution of God.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff

I have here a text by Rudolf Steiner where he describe the three Logoi. I have added other quotes by Steiner and my own comments and diagrams.

All text by Steiner is italicized, except in pictures.

The Three Logoi

There are three godly creative powers in the universe, the three Logoi: In Kabbalah they are called the Father, Mother and Son and in Christianity they are called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It’s different terminology, but the underlying reality is the same.

The Father, Mother and Son symbology describes the creative type in relation to the creation and higher Logoi. The Mother is of course the Creator of humankind. The Father gives the idea, the Mother gives life and the Son gives form.  The Trinity defines their role in the creation. See more on this aspect in Sophia – Creator of Humankind.

The First Logos creates out of nothing, creates Consciousness. The Second Logos creates new Life out of the existing and guides the living. The Third Logos combines the created, the building blocks, the clockwork of the microcosmos.

Rudolf Steiner has written this text on the three Logoi, but I must admit I didn’t understand the text before I had worked it out for myself. Its very short and he doesn’t give any details or examples, but I think it’s one of the deepest secrets he has hidden here for us to find. I think it’s about time it becomes known.

From Steiner’s Foundations of Esotericism, lecture 27:

Here we have three definitions of Beings who bring about, who underlie a planetary chain. They are called the three Logoi.

• The Third Logos produces by means of combining.
When out of one substance something else having new life comes into being, this is brought forth by the Second Logos.
Everywhere, however, where we have to do with a coming forth out of nothing, we have the First Logos.

This is why the First Logos is also often called the One who is immanent in things, the Second Logos the One who in the quiescent substance in things creates life out of the living, the Third Logos the One who combines everything existing, who puts the world together out of things.


These three Logoi always manifest in the world in and through one another.

In contemplating the world one continually sees the interaction of the three Logoi.

When a new creation starts, a new Æon, the First Logos sacrifices himself by falling down to a lower level. An archangel becomes an angel by adding an etheric body as a lower body.

The first logos is related to the second, as when, standing in front of the mirror image, we undertake to give our own life to the mirror image. The surrender of life is the original sacrifice in free action. That is the act of the first logo.

The second logos is exactly the same as the first logos, except that it was given its existence by a sacrifice. If one now studies the effect of the second logos, one finds that the essence of the second logos is that it radiates the essence of the first logos back to the first logos.

Thus, the second logos is a reflection of the first logos from which he received his own life, the life that emanated from the first logos.

The lecture series Foundations of Esotericism contains gold nuggets not found elsewhere. Not all versions of this text are good or contain all the pictures. This I think contains everything.

When Christ as First Logos sacrificed himself in the Saturn Æon when he took an astral body as the lowest body he became an archangel. On the old Sun he created Lucifer as a mirror image of himself, the Second Logos, and Lucifer became the first true being of the archangelic hierarchy.

The First Logos encircles the creation, the Second Logos enters the reality. It splits in two, a female part like Sophia or Eve and a masculine part like Anthropos or Adam, and like a potter the one hand forms the pot from outside and the other from within.

Now we have a binary in the Second Logos. The life and content of the Second Logos are twofold. The content is the same as the First Logos, but life is different than the First Logos.


The dash in the middle of the second circle means that in the Second Logos life and content are twofold, that they are divided. When it comes to content, image and mirror image are the same for both, but life is twofold. ~Steiner.

​The Third Logos is even more complex to understand. The Third Logos is the physical reality we live in, it’s the physical Earth we see and the reality behind it, the Grail or the Holy Spirit.

First, the First Logos is reflected once again, secondly, the reflection is reflected. This then gives the Third Logos as the reflection of the other two logoi. So it contains the Third logos:

• the mirror image of the First Logos
• the mirror image of what the First Logos in the Second Logos did, namely his life
• The mirror image of what the Second Logos reflects back to the First Logos. 

Let us now imagine: The First Logos is mirrored in a. If the First Logos is the creative activity that strives outward, then its reflection in the Third Logos is just the reverse activity of the First Logos. In the First Logos, a is the highest spiritual world light: in the Third Logos, a is the ultimate spiritual darkness.

ln the Second Logos, b is the life that the Second Logos received from the First Logos. It is not the life that sacrifices itself, but the one that has been accepted. The life that sacrifices itself in the First Logos is love. The opposite of this in the Third Logos is the absolute desire, longing, striving for logos, b is therefore the absolute desire in the Third Logos.

In the Second Logos c is the mirror image of the First Logos, which reflects the Second Logos.

First-second-and-third Logos
In our own reflection we distinguish:
• The emitted image coming back, from the darkness.
• What we have surrendered comes back as desire.
• The image itself, which we ourselves are.
This corresponds in the Third Logos to the three parts:
a spiritual darkness= Tamas
b the absolute desire = Rajas
c the simple reflection of the first logo = sattva

Tamas, Rajas, Sattva are the three gunas, the three parts of the Third Logos. ~Steiner

First, a, b and c are present.

• If a alone exists, it is Tamas.
• When a – the spiritual darkness or Tamas – combines with b – rajas, the absolute desire – darkness combines with desire, and it is a striving for the first logos.
• When a and c – Tamas and Sattva – are combined, we have created the image of the first logo out of the darkness.
• Likewise, we can combine b with c. It can each occur individually and be combined with one of the others.
• All three combined are what the first logo itself is.

We have seven possible combinations of the three gunas:


So these are the seven different combinations of Gunas. Imagine these seven possible combinations as the next world-creative principle that can emerge from the three Gunas. These seven entities really exist. They are the so-called seven creative spirits before the Throne of God, according to the three Logoi the seven nearest creative powers:



Seven creative spirits, which Jacob Boehme calls the seven spring spirits in his aurora, spring from the third logos, for all three activities of the third logos can work together, or in pairs two or each: there are seven combinations that appear essential, and of which the one that encompasses all three activities is the third logo itself. Thus, the next level is reached world-creative beings. ~Steiner.

I have used a drawing of Steiner to show this information, the Alchemist Mountain. It’s a versatile diagram that can be used to show many aspects of man, gods and the universe. It corresponds to the seven lowest sephira in the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Here put together with the Seven Creative Spirits and the Æon’s:


These  seven world-creative principles correspond to the seven planets but also to the Planetary development cycles, Æons, the incarnations our Earth goes through, but also the shorter development periods follow this sequence. See more later.

In the old Saturn æon the seed of the physical body and Atma was created. This is the Father. In the old Sun æon the seed of the etheric body and Buddhi was added. This is the Son. On the old Moon the seed of the astral body and Manas was added. This is the Holy Spirit.


The astral is the most flexible layer, most conscious, and therefore easier to transform. The etheric layers consciousness is not as flexible so it’s less easy to transform. And the physical layer is the least flexible and therefore most difficult to transform.

Atma need all three layers (abc) to develop before it can be developed, and the consciousness soul is the channel developed.

Development of the spiritual bodies:

ab • The soul is the result of the work between the physical (a) and etheric body (b).
ac • The Spirit Self or Manas is the result of the experiences of the physical body (a) transforming the karma of the astral (c).

bc • Life Spirit or Buddhi is our wisdom, the result of the transformation of our etheric body (b) our opinions by the speculative thinking of the astral body (c).
abc • Spirit Body or Atma is the result of the transformation of the physical (a) by the work of the Etheric (b) and the astral (c).


Through the work in the physical and the etheric we create the soul. Through the work in the physical and astral we create Manas, develop the higher I. Through the work in the Etheric and Astral we create Buddhi, wisdom. Through the work in a, b and c we create Atma, the resurrection body.

They are the foundation behind all creation. We know them most visibly through Osiris, Isis and Horus, but usually the Logoi are hidden under a veil of mystery.

In every creation a being is selected to become the coming Logos for that creation, being the archetype for the rest of the creation. Already from old Saturn was the creating Word of humanity selected and prepared for the role.

This creating downwards is shown in Kabbalah where the Sephirots, the Logoi, are created downward. When the creation develops and raises, the Logos follows its siblings up. The Logos is like a sun in the creation, in the hierarchy.


The Tree of Life

In Christianity the archangel names are titles for the Logos at a given hierarchy. Steiner compares the great archangels to the other members of the angelic hierarchy as the sun to a planet.

The Messenger of God, Archangel Gabriel, is the Logos of the Angels. The Face of God, Archangel Michael, is the Logos of the archangelic hierarchy. The archangelic hierarchy should not be confused with the great archangels.


The Gods walk the Earth

This describes the Logoi in the Earth development, and less the actual details, I have another text describing more detailed here: Esoteric Earth History.

The Three Logoi is known through many symbols, here we have a number of such:


Steiner mentions that Zarathustra is the Second Logos, one of the three main teachers of mankind. These high spiritual powers work on Earth:

High spiritual beings whom we call masters stream down to us.
We should realize that it’s mainly they who guide us and are near to us in meditation.
We should also know that they walk on earth incarnated in a physical body. 
The Symbology and Meaning of AUM

Adam and Eve – Anthropos and Sophia

In Genesis we have Adam as the first creation by Sophia, the physical world. Eve is the second creation, in who Sophia emanates into. Adam is the First Logos and Eve is the Second Logos, and Cain is her masculine side entering the physical universe as Yaldabaoth where Eve takes care of the spiritual side.

Cain is the Son of God, the Second Logos, who are the archetype of humankind, who develop life on Earth from the smallest cells to the human body, and the spiritual bodies, walking the path just before we walk it.

Abel is the Son of Man, the Third Logos we know as Jesus, he is a reflection of Adam and Eve, the Second Logos.


At the start of  Earth Sophia  was the etheric planet where all life was connected through tubes where prana feed all beings.

She took on the physical as outer body, that became more and more solid until she once became fully coated by physical materia.

The Second Logos developed all the physical life on Earth from one celled life until human life. The Second Logos was in form of the archetypal pair the only one incarnating around the end of Lemuria and the start of Atlantis.

The Earth and its life was fully covered in the physical stuff at the end of Dream Time, when Krishna died from mankind’s view, when the Dark Time, Kali Yuga, started. Sophia left the physical and raised to angel, Theosophia.

The First Logos was Zarathustra, Odin, Zeus, Noah, Elisha, and many more through whom Sophia worked.

Krishna teaches Arjuna, the Second Logos, to lead humanity on after the Dark Night, Kali Yuga, falls over the Earth. Krishna puts on paper the knowledge that people could see in the spiritual world, so it survived into the coming Dark Age. See Krishna and the Holy Spirit.

Arjuna learns that Krishna will not interact directly any longer in the human affairs, Krishna will in the future work through Arjuna. But even if Arjuna is one against all Krishna will make sure that he wins, through the wheel of fate, the Zodiac.

Krishna with the Wheel of Fate.

Christ Jesus

The First Logos is also known as the personality of Zarathustra, with the prime objective to develop the I, and preparing mankind to live in a purely physical world.

​Jesus of Nazareth is a very highly developed individuality. In the thirtieth year of his life he gives up his own life to the descending Christ, the descending Logos. All this the Magi foresaw. The great sacrifice made by Jesus of Nazareth is that he gave up his ‘ I ’ to make way for the Second Logos. ~Steiner

With Jesus incarnated the Third Logos, the Son of Man, Abel, the one who stayed back. In the Son of Man is the creation descended a level deeper into the physical, by him the astral body is the fourth principle, where the I will be developed, where we had the I in the soul, in the intellectual soul, a purification of the etheric soul.

Steiner mentions that he as child he spoke a language only his mother spoke, who represents Sophia. It was dream language they spoke, the language spoken between the astral body and the higher I.


The following text also points to the Jesus being as the Holy Spirit, awaiting the time to incarnate:

The spirit that prevailed in the common origin of both souls and bodies is the father spirit; that is the “Father”.

The spirit that prevailed down below in the physical realm, whilst the spiritual went its separate ways up above, is the son spirit; that is the “Son”.

And the spirit that prevailed up above in the soul sphere until it was able to descend into the physical realm, that is the “Holy Spirit”.

From the notes of the lecture “The promised spirit of truth”, Cologne, 8 March 1907

The body of Jesus became one with the Earth, he didn’t leave the grave again, the Third Logos entered the earth.


When Christ left the Sun he left the highest member Atma behind so the highest body was the Buddhi, and attained the elemental body of type I as the lowest. He is the Archetype of the new humanity that will go through the human development on New Jupiter, also called New Jerusalem.


Here he receives the Buddhi:




The soul of the First Logos entered Jesu Soul at thirteen and before the Baptism it leaves the soul again.

John the Baptist represented the old Adam Kadmon, he pointed on to the next. John was beheaded, separating body and head, splitting the upper and lower principles of the old Adam. After this he hovers above the disciples, as the spirit of the First Logos.

The incarnating Third Logos:


The Running Youth

When the running youth left Jesus, it was the First Logos who left. Jesus died and entered the death world, the astral world, as the Third Logos.

We see it again at the grave.

Zarathustra and Lazarus


The Zarathustra soul Steiner mentions is the First Logos and Lazarus the Second Logos:


Here give Christ over to Lazarus John, the Second Logos, mentioning the relationship between Zarathustra and Lazarus.


The Second Logos is represented by John the Evangelist who leaves the cave, Earth, to become the teacher and leader of humankind, the Temple Builder, replacing the John the Baptist.


It’s interesting that the Second Logos, Lazarus, ascends from the grave and the Third Logos disappears into the grave, becomes one with the Earth.


The Second Logos takes over, and he becomes the author of the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse of John:

The Gospel should therefore be read as follows:

“Under the Cross stood the mother of Jesus, Sophia.”

To this mother Jesus says:

“Woman, behold thy son.”

He himself had transferred the Sophia that lived within him to the Disciple John; he transformed him into a son of Sophia and said:

     “Behold, thy mother.”

“Henceforth you should recognise the divine wisdom as

your mother and dedicate yourself to her alone.”

John had recorded this divine wisdom; Sophia is embodied in the Gospel of St. John.

Jesus had given him this wisdom, and he was authorized by Christ to transmit it to the world. ~Steiner


In 1879 Anthroposophia raised from Angel to Archangel, and as she was the Logos of the Angels, the Second Logos, she took the vacant seat of Michael.

A deeper view on the creative process of the Three Logoi can be found in Why are there so much pain on Earth?.


The Three Logoi


 The history of the current Second Logos is a very long and interesting story, and I am working on it.


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Why are there so much pain on Earth?

It’s a question often asked by atheists, and a good one too, but they use it as an excuse to set themselves out on the sidelines yelling at those who try to make the world a better place.

God didn’t create our paradise, he created a paradise, the beautiful Earth, and gave it to us. We have the responsibility for the Earth, and it’s not better than we make it. It’s so to speak our apprenticeship what we do with ourselves and the Earth, we are a unity.

Suffering, the short story

Why do people suffer as they do? The short answer is that they have created the situation themselves, that they had acted in a way so they needed to experience the situation seen from the other side. As everywhere else, there are exceptions.

It’s not God or gods who punish the sinners, we create the situation ourselves.

We should of course help each other, it’s not punishment, it’s teaching, and being helped and being a helper is part of the teaching, Love is the primary goal of the teaching on Earth.

If we have Hell in our inner when we die, it follows us into the afterlife and when born again, the new life is created based on our inner.

If Vishnu/God had been the only creator, mankind would have been a beautiful creation, a beautiful robot, acting as the gods decreed, but Shiva/Lucifer gave man the ego so we became independent. We were still only animals with egotism, we weren’t truly independent, we acted fully following the rules of Karma.

Prometheus/Lucifer stealing the fire of knowledge
from the gods to give to humankind.

At a certain time where the body was ready, the outer gods died and was reborn into the inner of man. Man got a soul with an I, the I AM entered the body. The I was like a rider taming a horse, the ego. Now humanity began changing from tribe mentality to individuals.

This is where we are now. The karma you see is where the bodies with their ego have brought them, their soul have a strong fight getting the body and ego out of the misery.

Life, Death and Compassion

The Earth has a beautiful geography kept alive through movements in the underground, earthquakes and volcanic activity, giving new minerals for plant life to work on.

The Earth is covered with a diverse flora transforming the Earth to a place for life to live and a varied fauna lives in this garden of Earth.

The Earth is beautiful, but Earth has no compassion, every being fight for their place, although so wisely that it makes room for all.

Life dies in this struggle for a place in the world, or they die when earthquakes or fires roams the land, creating new worlds and new life.

Death is no exception, it’s a path out when life has no purpose any more.

To create compassion something new had to happen, and out of the animals was the best suitable selected for developing a being having compassion.

It’s of course a painful process. To develop compassion we need to give the animal an ego, a stepping stone to something higher, but in the process egotism gives many problems.

Is compassion worth the painful process?

God is not a magician, he can’t create something as precious as love by a magical invocation, it has to be created by individual beings who develop love in freedom. And we can’t develop love in a paradise, we can only develop love where people are depending on each other to live.

We are in the last third of that process, and we are in a situation where things are going to change for the better.

Materialism is the last great teaching, we should understand that material things is not making us happy, that it’s really slavery for all.

All development happens through correcting errors.

Errors are build into the system. Just look at nature, there is always exceptions that are corrected. Karma is the mechanism behind the process, orchestrated by the Zodiac.

So of course there are injustice, but they become corrected sooner or later. Black magic is a way to make it later.

The strongest power on Earth is karma. Black magic is manipulating the power of karma, using karmic beings, and in some cases being used by something much worse. It’s really nasty.

The Creators – the Logoi

All creation is defined through three powers, called the three Logoi, but each religion have their own names for them.

They are also called Father, Mother and Son, but each are both genders.

Their work in the creation can be seen through the Fibonacci series, everything from the smallest to galaxies are formed after the Fibonacci series. It also describes sexual reproduction and the development through reincarnation.

It says the new is the result of the two previous instances/incarnations. Creation equal form + idea.

We also have it described in Hegel’s synthesis = thesis + antithesis.

This is the most optimal and simple algorithm for creation where there is only one god.

The Logoi is different consciousnesses in God, every being in God act God’s will, they don’t think independently about what they do, they can’t modify the creation if something goes wrong, so the correction is build into the creation. Or so it was!

In the Bible God sees at the end of the day that the creation is good, it was not possible while creating. The beings of God is to him as our organs is to us, we really don’t know what they do until they fail.

Our creation is different from earlier, except the prototype(s) in whose picture we are created. When we are fully developed we can instantly correct new creation where it goes wrong, and thereby avoid pain.

It is said that this creation is the most painful of all as it’s the most complicated. To create individuals is complicated.

It is said that God before he started, asked the potentially created humanity if it was worth it and we answered yes. First then started the creation.

More here:


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Elemental Beings, Karma & Ceremonial Magic

This text by Rudolf Steiner look at karma from a different view than normally, he looks at the underlying beings and processes behind or below karma:

“Human beings and animals differ from each other through the fact that they have their consciousness on different planes. Now there are also other beings besides minerals, plants, animals and human beings.

Elemental Beings

There are beings who have their consciousness on the physical plane and their body in the astral. Such a being is, as it were, an animal in reverse. Such beings actually exist; they are the elemental beings. In order to make their nature comprehensible let us be clear about what belongs to the physical plane.

Physical is: Firstly the solid earth, secondly water, thirdly air, fourthly ether (warmth ether, light ether, chemical ether, life ether). Let us keep to the four lower forms of our physical plane and separate the etheric world from them.

States of consciousness can lie in all four forms of the physical plane while the body of such a being lies in the astral.

We must think of the consciousness in the solid Earth, the body in the astral; or a being that has its consciousness in the water and its body in the astral; then such a being with its consciousness in the air and its body in the astral and one with its consciousness in fire and its body in the astral.

Present-day man knows but little of such beings; in our time it is only through poetry that they are known. Miners (of minerals) however know such beings very well. A gnome is only visible to someone who can see on the astral plane, but miners frequently possess such an astral vision; they know that gnomes are realities.

Thus, on our Earth there exist various forms of consciousness, and what the natural scientist today calls laws of nature are the thoughts of beings who think on the physical plane but have their bodies on the astral plane. [Like the electromagnetic bindings.]

When in physics we have to do with laws of nature we can say: these are the thoughts of a being who has its body on the astral plane. The forces of nature are creative beings and natural laws are their thoughts.

[We can say they live in our inner world and we live in their inner world!]

In the Middle Ages the alchemist tried to make use of these spirits. Goethe knew this very well; Faust wished to have fire air; this was to be produced by the salamanders which have their body on the astral plane.

Thus we have around us beings who actually have their consciousness in fire, to whom we cause pain when fire is kindled, for by so doing we actually cause a certain alteration in the body of the being in question on the astral plane.

When one kindles fire one alters this astral being. In the same way when one brings about alterations in other spheres of the elements and the forces of Nature one alters something in these astral beings.

When we do this or that we are continuously peopling the astral plane. If we think these thoughts through clearly, we have the meaning of church ritual: that is, not to make use of any kind of substances on the physical plane, except such as have meaning, whereby meaningful beings arise on the astral plane.

When for instance one kindles the smoke of incense one does something which has purpose; one burns a particular substance and creates beings of a particular kind. When one passes a sword through the air in four directions one creates a definite kind of being.

It is the same with the priest, when he makes definite movements with his hands, to accompany definite sounds o, i, u, intensified by repetition: Dominus vobiscum.

elementals-archangelsFrom Elementals and Natural Spirits

The sound is regular, the air is brought into definite vibrations intensified by definite movements of the hand, and a sylph is called into existence.

Sign, grip and word of the freemasons also bring about definite forms which manifest in accordance with definite laws in the physical world. Through a purposeful use of these words a link is formed from one person to another, one is enwrapped in an astral substance which is created through sign, grip and word.

Naturally man continually does all this in ordinary life, but he does it in an unsystematic way, creating contradictory beings.

Art consists in working harmoniously upwards from the physical to higher planes.

In rituals, through definite acts, the aim is to produce not contradictory but harmonious beings. At present man is not in a position to bring these things into harmony.

But for everything man creates in this way on the astral plane there are certain directing beings. So we have a world of elemental beings around us with a king.

  • Among the Indians the king of the gnomes is called Kshiti, the highest of the gnomes;
  • the highest being among the undines: Varuna;
  • the highest being among the sylphs: Vayu,
  • and everything having its consciousness in fire is directed by the king of fire: Agni.

In all activity connected with fire, water and so on we have to do with these particular Deva-beings. All the fire we have here on Earth is the substance that is woven out of the beings which belong to Agni.


Ceremonial Magic

Ceremonial magic is the lowest kind of sorcery and consists in making use of certain specially devised tricks on the physical plane in order to create definite forms and beings on the astral plane.

Schools exist today in which ceremonial magic is still exercised. Such usages cause great attraction towards the astral world and very frequently result in suicide, because then a person is almost exclusively active in the astral world and has become unaccustomed to using the physical world for its rightful purpose. He has developed a partiality for the other world and the physical body is often a hindrance.

Now you will also comprehend the connection with fire worship which has appeared in the history of religion. The followers of Zarathustra sought, through the sacrificial fire of the priests, actually to create definite forms on the astral plane.

On the Earth today everything takes place physically. But from what has been said, one can see that astral beings are continually created under the influence of our deeds. All deeds are accompanied by astral beings.


These are our Skandas which bring about our Karma. But also all physical deeds leave astral beings behind on the astral plane.

For instance Cologne cathedral corresponds to a definite being on the astral plane. Through everything that happens on the Earth, when all physical matter is worked over and the Earth has dissolved, through this the next astral Globe will arise of itself. It will simply be there as astral beings, as the effects of all the earlier physical processes. [The Earth as planet with mountains, lakes and oceans, is the result of the Angels life on the previous Earth incarnation, the old Moon. In the same way are we building the next incarnation of the Earth, the new Jupiter.]

This is why man must continually work with Karma. In his next life he must put right again the grotesque astral beings that he has bungled, otherwise they would produce meaningless creatures for the next Globe. This is Karma that he must rectify. [So handling karma is not just an ego project, it’s for the good of the karmic beings and for the whole of creation.]

What takes place on a large scale on the Earth, takes place in a small way in man. Let us think of a child. He is wrongly brought up, spoiled with sweets and so on. This not only brings about processes in the physical body but continually imparts them to the astral, so that in fact the astral body also is changed.

What one gives physically to the infant goes over into his astral body, it is present in the shape of definite forms.

What is thus worked in, is however gradually worked out again. In advanced age the sins against the child take their revenge. These sins remain throughout the whole life and have great importance particularly in the final years.

After the middle period a sort of reversal takes place; the astral then works into the physical plane.

In childhood the foundation of what man will have in old age is implanted into the astral.

When a person perceives how he has been sinned against and works upon himself with this in view, then he can eliminate the damage in the astral body, otherwise he will break down in old age under the weaknesses of his childhood.

Only what man works into it consciously has a balancing effect on the astral body. If later in life the opposite qualities are not called up consciously, one cannot rid oneself of the failings.

[In our childhood all our karma from earlier life is collected from our surroundings, if we don’t handle the karma up through life we will be confronted with it.

Old or new karma we become conscious about and handle will not become a problem, but karma we create unconsciously will be difficult to handle in the same life.

Late in life we are confronted with rest of the unhandled karma, in what’s called the Dark Night of the Soul. If we do well, we may handle it all, and ascend to the light again.]

From Foundations of Esotericism, Lecture 27.



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All Creation Happens Through the One Becoming Two…

All creation happens through the one becoming two, and all creations ends through the two becoming one.

The one is the two genders combined creative force, by splitting them they become weak, but the contrast between them creates a strong field of development.

This field exist not only between man and woman, also when we change sex between our incarnations, or the differences between physical and etheric body.

It’s also permeates all of nature.

Sexual reproduction increases the development speed enormously. It’s speed is described through the Fibonacci series, and phi the golden mean, the key of the universe.

Nearly everything in nature follows the Fibonacci series or spiral, plants or galaxas. It reflects the three creative powers, the three Logoi : Father, Mother and Son.

It was necessary for us to enter deeply into the physical, as creators we should understand the created fully, master it fully, for that the masculine was needed.

To come up again the female part is needed, to direct the powers of the masculine upward again, only together can humanity get up from materialism.

See The Logoi’s Creating in the Physical world and the Fibonacci Sequence

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Reincarnation Research from an Esoteric View

One problem within esoteric research is the belief that clairvoyant faculties are needed, but that is not necessary within most areas if there are enough leads through accessible sources, it’s a question about eyes that have learned to see.

There is, in truth, no difference between esoteric knowledge and all the rest of man’s knowledge and proficiency. This esoteric knowledge is no more of a secret for the average human being than writing is a secret for those who have never learned it.

The following methods are useful both with and without clairvoyant faculties, as deeper detective work may be needed to find where to look.

A prerequisite is that we need to get the necessary understanding within the area we want to research, an intuitive recognition of the person.

All physical activity tells about the spiritual reality behind it. It gives us knowledge we need to create the necessary hypothesis for the project. Many things we may think of as small details may contain vital information. Steiner leaves many small curious details in his texts that are difficult to interpret, but they are puzzle pieces that connects to other puzzle pieces.

Let’s take reincarnations research. It’s complicated as a great understanding of the souls involved is necessary if it should not be a guessing game. Many try without having the patience to make the necessary research, so they design a guessing system instead.

It’s actually a little like a criminal investigation where we create a profile to work on, like:

💫We create puzzle pieces with every bit of archetypal information we have on the incarnating soul.

💫Then we look for candidates matching this profile and we look for logical dependencies between the incarnations.

This is like putting puzzle pieces together, a picture is needed to make the theory possible. We are looking for the underlying patterns, morphological forms.

But the kind of thinking which should be used for the cognition of higher worlds and which is gained with the aid of the exercises I have described, is one which I might call morphological thinking, one in which we think in forms.

This is of course only possible if we have to do with persons who have a large footprint in history, like Arjuna, Gilgamesh, Zarathustra, Hiram Abiff, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hypatia, Joan of Arc or Christian Rosenkreutz.

If we are looking at our own incarnations I think we need to have special knowledge about our own previous incarnation to get an intuitive understanding of our archetype and mission. With this information we may find even earlier incarnations.

Through Contemplative Inquiry we may find a starting point, if the spiritual world agree in your quest. It’s also possible, in the state of half-sleep, to ask if we have lived in a given year. The response can be given as Yes, No or a YesNo, for death or birth year. YesNo sounds like Yes and No is said at the same time, not as following each other.

Rudolf Steiner have written about the understanding of the individual, that the details is significant for understanding the personality:

We shall not easily find our way into the innermost nature of karmic connections if we do not pay attention — with the eye of the soul, of course — to the particular mannerisms of an individual.

Believe me, for the study of karma it is just as important to be interested in a gesture of the hand as in some great spiritual talent. It is just as important to be able to observe — from the spiritual side (astral body and ego) — how a man sits down on a chair as to observe, let us say, how he discharges his moral obligations. If a man is given to frowning, to knitting his brow, this may be just as important as whether he is virtuous or the reverse.

Much that in ordinary life seems to be quite insignificant is of very great importance when we begin to consider destiny and observe how it weaves its web from life to life; while many a thing in this or the other human being that appears to us particularly important becomes of negligible significance,

Generally speaking, it is not, as you know, very easy to pay real attention to bodily peculiarities. They are there and we must learn to observe them naturally without wounding our fellow-men — as we certainly shall do if we observe merely for observation’s sake. That must never be. Everything must arise entirely of itself.

When, however, we have trained our powers of attention and perception, individual peculiarities do show themselves in every human being, peculiarities which may be accounted trifling but are of paramount importance in connection with the study of karma.

A really penetrating observation of human beings in respect of their karmic connections is possible only when we can discern these significant peculiarities. From Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies – Volume I.

See also On Spiritual Research – Practical Guidelines


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Old Souls and Periods in Life by Peter Deunov 

I give a description of what an old soul is in the first part, followed by extracts from texts by Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) on old souls and periods in life and concluding with a quote by Rudolf Steiner to show their connection.

On Old Souls

The old souls live most of their lives without knowing other old souls, actually feeling quite alone and different, even as a paria, often as a servant and underpaid teacher.

They long for company, but are usually disappointed as few understand their thoughts, so they actually feel good alone creating art or making their work to art.

They have of course a karmic relation to the people around them, they have followed them a long time, although some have left and others have come to their group. They have love for them, but they long for a love that are as strong as their own.

If the old souls met each other when they were young, they wouldn’t feel alone, they wouldn’t feel different as they had each other to mirror in. The biggest danger would be if they simply forgot the younger souls and only played with each other, it’s much more fun, they could enjoy each other’s creative ideas.

The old souls learns meekness through feeling different, learns to be a servant, as they know what to do, what the young souls don’t. It’s easier to do it themselves than instruct others.

They are born with love in their soul, they care. But they have to learn to give help to self help, that they can’t handle others problems, others karma, they can’t save the world, bear the burden of the world alone.

Their low self esteem makes them ready to give their life for others, makes them sacrifice their own happiness for others. Happiness are often a dream for them, not necessarily something they have experienced.

But when they sacrifice their life for others they actually make the young soul to an ungrateful junkie of their service.

The largest problem for the old soul is to understand that they are lovable, because they are! Their soul is beauty, truth and loving care, it’s the stuff the soul consists of.

It’s actually a tragedy as most old souls are loved by their surroundings, but they don’t see it, they have been alienated through so many years. They can’t believe it, even when seeing it, and they often obstruct others when they try to show affection or love, not to be disappointed.

They have many problems getting anima and animus loving each other, thought, feelings and inspiration to understand each other, loving their own physical manifestation in the world, filling their heart with joy, love and courage.

Kim Graae Munch


The old souls By Peter Deunov

“There are hints about the New Humanity in the New Testament and specially in Revelation. The Evangelist John, two thousand years ago, saw the woman pregnant with this great idea, the New Humanity, and fixed the number of the chosen ones, the bearers of this idea at 144 000 persons. If you add these numbers 1+4+4 = 9, the number 9 signifies an evolution of men who have all the positive, noble qualities.

Some would say that these l44 000 persons are in heaven. No, they are now here, on earth; they are incarnated among the intelligent people. Some of them are writers; others, poets or men of science; and all of them push humanity forward on the path toward the new idea, toward the Divine.
These are the enemies of darkness, of the fetters that enchain humanity. And the world-wide unrest, this great change that is coming, is due to them. They will turn this world upside down.”

In the spiritual world, old age is determined by the number of times when a person was reborn on Earth. Suppose that one was reborn 500 times for 100 years – 50,000 years. He is an adult.[😄 They are few that incarnate 500 times, even 50 times is many, but the meaning is clear.]

  • Everyone, who does not move, is old, and everyone, who moves is young.
  • Everyone, who does not think is old, and everyone, who thinks, is young.
  • Everyone, who does good, is young, and everyone, who does not do good, is old.
  • Youth and old age – these are internal psychological states in humans.

Dissatisfaction in people is old age, and satisfaction in people is youth. Joy is youth, and sorrow – old age. Health is youth, and disease is old age. Wealth is old age, and poverty is youth. One, who is sluggard, is old, and diligent people are young. Diligence is youth, idleness is old age.

At the age of 33, consciously or unconsciously, people enter a more spiritual life. They find an internal balance.

Youth can be compared to the process of involution, to going down into the matter. This process continues until the age of 33. From the 33rd year onwards, the evolutionary process, the ascending begins. And this process continues for about 33 years.

You have to come to that consciousness, in which you will not get old anymore. When you get to the age of 33, you shall not get older. When you come to the age of 33, you will keep yourself in the way you are at that moment and you will remain young as long as you wish.
Once you learn to love, you will not get older. You will be young, 33 years old. When you grow old, you will take off your old skins and you will rejuvenate in this way.

There is a period of 7 years. Conditions change every 7 years.

  • From the 1st to 7th year – it is a child.
  • From the 7th to 14th year – it is already the second phase; feelings start to develop.
  • From the 14th to 21st year – the mind develops within these 7 years.

In other words, the body grows during the first 7 years. Children, in general, love to eat, they serve their stomachs.
During the second seven years they serve their hearts.

In the third seven years they begin to think a little. That is why students from 14th to 21st year become poets.

At high school, almost all of them write poems.

  • From the 21st to 28th year they become rational.

Things repeat. From the 28th year on, you are in the fourth period. You enter the utmost limit. You are in the causal world. All possibilities are there.
Young children get sick when they start teething. Then inflammation occurs and temperature increases. Girls, at the age of 14, pass through certain painful conditions again. So, in all transitional periods, humans pass through painful conditions, and namely: from the 2nd to the 7th year, from 7-14, from 15-21, from 21-28, from 28-35, etc.

  • From the 1st to 7th year, one passes through the state of growing – a child does not go away from home.
  • From 7th to 14th year, one passes through the phase of an animal – he begins to move freely and goes away from home.
  • From 14th to 21st year, one begins to think, enters the phase of true human.
  • From age of 21 to 42, one again passes successively through all these seven years, through these three phases:
  • from the age of 21 to 28, one is again in the phase of growing.
  • From the age of 28 to 35, one is again in the phase of an animal and from the age of 35 to 42 – in the phase of human.

The first seven years you are in the physical world, the second seven years you are in the astral world, the third seven years – in the mental world, and the fourth seven years – in the causal world. You will pass through these worlds up.

As after 49 years you will be given conditions for something to be repeated for you. If something is not done, the same conditions will be given for you to do what you have missed. If you do not do it again, after 49 years you will have the same conditions. Twice in life you are given conditions for something. So, one is smart if he uses the first conditions.

​Rudolf Steiner on Age 

In future, human beings, the older they get, will need to take in spiritual impulses if they want to be able to grow younger and younger and really develop their inner life. If they do so, they may have grey hair and wrinkles and all kinds of infirmities, but they will get younger and younger, for their souls are taking in impulses which they will take with them through the gate of death.
People who relate only to the body cannot grow younger, for their souls will share in everything the body experiences. Of course, it will not be possible to change the habit of going grey, but it is possible for a grey head to gain a young soul from the wellsprings of spiritual life. This is how human evolution will proceed in the fifth, sixth and seventh post-Atlantean ages in terms of Darwin’s grey-haired theory, if you will forgive the expression.
But in order to go through the catastrophe which is comparable to the earth’s death — the catastrophe lying ahead — people must gain the power of youth which lies in Goetheanism, in the theory of metamorphosis and of spiritual evolution. This has to be taken through the future catastrophe, just as in the case of the individual the rejuvenated soul is taken through the gate of death.


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Libra – an explanation through teamwork

I had some years ago a good idea exchange on Johfra’s beautiful picture of Libra, and bring it here as it is illuminating.


Libra by
Franciscus Johannes Gijsbertus van den Berg – Johfra

More star-sign pictures here:

From  October 2, 2010


This one is very interesting.


It is, see the colors, in the top it’s blue to the left and red to the right as in the Gemini picture, but the sphinxes below have the opposite colors. And Sun and Moon opposite also.

We have Seth to the left with two snakes wound around him as the Asclepius staff. He holds the “Crux Ansata” ☥ in his hand, connected to the intellectual soul, the Ego.
The Sun and Moon are placed in paths formed like the eternity symbol.
To the right we have Isis with the cow horns.


Aha, but these are the obvious things … my eyes go to the flowers and what is on the scale … i think that’s the story behind. 🙂

Kim, look at the god-form closer … is that an ibis head maybe .. cause sethian form has squared ears and a long, down-turned snout, a canine body with a tail. It’s the god of destruction, turmoil, illness … i’m not sure that would be allowed with that temper to do the weighing 😉 … though he did like the company of fair Isis .. but his main thing is to cause chaos (he has put him beneath you so that he can lift you up. He will groan beneath you as an earthquake … – Pyramid Texts, Spell 356) .. the flower is, I think, the white lily, which has great alchemical significance .. nymphea flower that Egyptians used in ceremony rites..


Of course, but my experience tells me that it’s better to start with the simple, partly because you get some success in the start, partly because the rest become smaller each time 🙂

It’s difficult to see what’s in the scales, but a cobra in the left, an urn in the right? and why?

Maat was both the goddess and the personification of truth and justice. Her ostrich feather represents truth.


Yes looks to me like that, instead of a Maats feather a white cobra like figure .. hard to see yes, on the other side, maybe a scarabeo in red representing the heart, cause it had that representation in the funerary ceremony rites, Isis and god-advocate .. that speaks for the person. why? – ha, to tell you the truth I think i never answered any question that started with why 😉


Maats feather sounds perfectly right to me, even managed the why. I didn’t know about Maat feathers! Wiki: “the Ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice.” And the heart sounds also perfectly right.
Justice without Compassion is unjust.
I think the whys are pretty interesting; why do people say and do what they do.

And you are right in Thoth too. Symbolizing mind. The heart of Ra.


I see how it can be mistaken for Seth easily, cause has the same crux ansata as Seth in the hand, while Thoth is usually depicted with a scroll.


Has Thoth anything common with Scorpio?
Isis is familiar to Virgo, so on one side we have Virgo and on the other side we have Scorpio. Seth is more like Capricorn.


I’m not sure with that actually, that’s your lore.


It states that he became associated with “the judgment of the dead” and that is a Scorpio thing: if the heart is sick, take it out.
Two star signs following each other are their direct opposites, Virgo is the opposite of Libra, and Libra is the opposite of Scorpio, but that don’t make Virgo and Scorpio the same, the sting are different.

Steiner mentions something about the sphinx’s stands for man’s four lowest sheath or bodies, what we have with us down to Earth.
The sphinx to the right is feminine I think, also in blue.


Silver! :))


I am gone a little dead now, but we still have a lot of details in the lower part we have to understand and integrate, but otherwise a nice job until now 🙂

The lily then represents Sophia, Mary or Isis, above we have the Rosicrucian Rose representing the Son, Horus and Jesus.
So the mother contains the lower part where the Son contains the upper part. The physical (sphinx=phys, ether, astral, soul) and the spiritual world.
Glass square = physical world.
Circle containing a Seven star containing the scales? Seven planets signifying the planetary powers within the Zodiac.


You made a great analysis, glass square seems physical world yes, inside of which is a star with seven points (planets, metals-chakras) so reminds me of square-circle combination in Vitruvi’s microcosm macrocosm .. so with that analogy glass square may be representing a man, that has inside of him the little universe resembling the big .. And from which a rose springs and blooms.


Yes, beautiful, the circle are a micro-zodiac and the star, the seven planets or chakras, together the microcosm, in the cube which are the physical man.
And the rose springs and blooms in the spiritual world.
The two sphinx’ are the powers which manifest in the physical world who Steiner calls Lucifer and Ahriman.
What about the two hands?


I’ve just been thinking most of the morning how the glass cube is very genius, and, has its own story with layers .. and how very sentient, human .. it is .. and intimately how can this human side of the pic be even sad. I get the feeling that all the other parts of the pic, except the lily, cube, and the rose are pure form satisfied .. but not that part. It is because of the nature of the glass, and that is a genius part. Glass when well polished regularly, gives a beautiful picture of the world, like a man who tends good for his soul, character, all … but when not, when it is unclean, you can’t see what is outside of the cube, and sort of becomes only thing we know -like man that leads very worldly life plagued with all negative sides of it..and it brings ignorance, and also,the sad part-cube becomes  sort of prison, hopeless. So that is from perspective of a man inside the cube .. but window is seen through from both sides, and this view has to do how light comes in to the cube .. so it can only if polished .. and cube is sort of prism that breaks the light in many colours of the rainbow, seven mostly, so this forms a man, and gives light to the growing of the Rose. And that is the manifold creation. But this too has a sad side … and that is this, even with perfectly clean cube and light beautifully coming in, and things outside the cube visible, still the glass visible as it is, is the separator of Man and Cosmos, and its like attached,and influencing but not reachable from the state of being inside and polishing good, except but the rose, rose grows from it, and its only thing that connects humanity with the architecture of the universe. Thank you for clarifying this to me, and that you noticed the glass cube.
To just look at these picture is nice, and one can say they are beautiful then, but that’s just souls recognition automatic of whats beautiful, symmetry and colours .. but I think they should be deciphered, observed well, really so many suggestions in them, underlying structure beyond mere looking.


Yes, they are fantastic, especially the rose symbolics as the only way out of the box, but it is as you say somewhat depressing, life is not simple. I hope we will see many roses flower in the coming years, though.
But there is something missing, the female mystery, as some calls it, what Douno hints at, another kind of joy and meaningfulness which is not signified in the picture.
I have also thought a little about the floor in the physical plane, the chess board they are standing on could signify the rigid rule of karma, and the glass box is a chess piece which is moved around by Lucifer and Ahriman.
What does the two hands with the fire refer to? The scale is also a cross and the top of the cross is a hand with a finger-pointing up, as we see John the Baptist in Raphael’s paintings.


I like the chess explanation of rule of karma! Very deep instead of the usual explanation of the masons, how it represents the architecture and geometry of the universe, and how world is lined with parallels and meridians, the order of GAOTU … but the chess game is more reasonable .. But whose hands?


Beautiful, I didn’t know, I haven’t used much time on the masons, but they are also right, Karma is the building block’s of the physical universe, that’s why it’s called maya, no pun intended 🙂


haha … You had to draw that from the pocket ha?


Yes, it was too difficult to resist 🙂
Above the yin/yang sign are what I think is two hands, looking a little like a flower, up from the hands stream a fire changing over into the cross.


I think it’s not the hands of the Prime Mover, but representing energy-thought-fire moving of individual as participant of divine fire, alchemist. I noticed that there aren’t depictions of God just architecture, and twofold energies in the set of the paintings. So I think it’s the Great Work symbol, on which depends the scale in the end, is it in equilibrium, and is the heart light as the feather. But thats just my impression


You just lost me a second 🙂
But, if it’s the great work symbol it’s logical to call the flame for the kundalini power. But where does the hands come from? Something with the Earth?


Hm … i’m not sure … but you are nudging me again .. I got an idea .. count the symbols from below to the sky ending with Sol+Luna, or chymical wedding .. so its Fleur de Lys, cube with the star, rose, yin and yang as equilibrium (neutral), then the hands, then the cross of the scale with what seems to be rose in the cross, and ending with Sol and Luna betwixt.


Arh, couldn’t you have given the sum 😉 each time I count I find a new way and reaches a new number.
But it looks a little like the Tree of Life, but I only reaches nine.


Hahaha … The sum – never! I can count 7 .. so I thought could be connected with practical alchemy more … but yes you can count it like that too ..


I reached 8 when I counted your list.
That I reached 9 was because I missed Kether, but it’s the lying 8 symbol, infinity, so it’s ten now.
The only problem is that we see the Kabbalah tree from the back:)


🙂 great .. Ill get the mirror, you hold the picture … Remember how Temperance was alluding to the right pillar on gemini picture … I wouldn’t be surprised if things looked inverted either..

Eva and Adam


The gemini picture was ok in all aspects, it was also the reason I had the problems with Libra, why was the Father to the left and the Mother to the right?
If you look at old Adam and Eva figures and paintings, Adam were nearly always to the right, but more modern paintings have moved him to the left. Maja Hm, i think up to now we got fragments just with this one, i’ve been thinking about the story, the fire cleared it a bit. Ill try to write it in a bit.


Ok, a bit of stepping from Christian or egyptian or any other religious concept. Back to alchemic basics. Alchemy is trait of fermenting the vital Spirit in and by its own Light – that’s universal and individual. We see on picture regions, celestial, terrestrial and sort of interior underground. Celestial is I think represented by plants-emotional, receptive-in a man a heart region (ok again, rose flower, Christ and all that), terrestrial-sensual represented by animal forms sphinx (half animal half human) – domination in mans body is the head, and thus why maybe the sphinx-symbol of intellectualism, correct answers (the tale of Oedipus and the question ).
Last sphere, underground I think its the glass cube, i thought of prisms – but glass isn’t only prism, its diamond too-thus mineral, in human body its lumbal region. The aim of Alchemy is to reverse the action in their order.
Aha yes, its the same thing I thought but forgot to tell you about, Gichtels picture, it’s not to follow the orbiting its to reverse it. So the fire of natural life entering into fermenting opens, developed and sets free celestial Light.
About the hands and light hermeticism or better say alchemy, is the magnetism of Light-thought to be the emanating spirit of Wisdom , Soph. So to understand the nature respecting that first cause man asks questions, as an extortion of Sphinx like forms of the true answer. About the white proliferation in the below of the picture i think it depicts the vegetable spirit – which is growth-causing. So we have pic of human vital spirit that has to be purified, weighed in order to be regenerated white flower (regeneration, in Egypt, while the blue is enlightenment. But we got it well all and cube too, a cage, prison, entrapped in the mineral – which also means the divine light is somewhat penetrating but hidden from it. Bah, I need a thought to finish it.


Maya, it was too many ball’s in one, I didn’t catch a single one, constipation I think 🙂

By the way, which of the alchemy book’s do you recommend, when it should be clear and concise and all in all readable.

No, I caught one, the rose in the middle of the Cross, I hadn’t seen it.


Me too … sort of picture had fallen behind, became blurred … and i’ve seen a beautiful one i’m thinking of and enjoying for 2 days now … this Libra picture is left in some corner of my head just .. if you get new ideas about it please enlighten me ..


I think we to a great extend have solved it.

Sun is Lucifer or Yang and the Moon is Ahriman or Yin, and they are in equilibrium.
Everything is build around the trinity, even the weight have a cross in the middle.

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The Holy Nights of Christmas

The twelve holy nights before Christmas

This symbolizes the development of man from the creation and until the birth of Christ, when man had descended the deepest into the physical world. This period is called Mars in esoteric language.

It’s about the lower Abyss, the lesser Chemical Wedding, the union of soul and body. This is old European folk tradition and Rosicrucian esoteric knowledge.

The night after the 24’th is the birth of the Son of Man, Jesus, when we were the deepest into the physical, and he showed the way up of the Abyss.


The twelve holy nights after Christmas

This symbolizes the ascent of man from the deepest penetration into the physical world, from being mastered by the physical he now becomes master of the physical. This period is called Mercury in esoteric language.

It’s about the higher Abyss, the greater Chemical Wedding, the union of soul and spirit.

The night after the fifth is the birth of the Son of God, Christ, the Baptism of Jesus. The thought seeds is taken from here: De 12 hellige nætter. They are only a hint for contemplation, they are not mandatory and I may find some that are more relevant.

Night after Zodiac Thought seeds
Dec. 13 Aquarius I am the water of life, which is shed for thirsty people.
Saint Lucia.
Dec. 14 Pisces I leave the Father’s house, but returns as savior.
Dec. 15 Aries I step forward, and from the plane of thought I rule.
Dec. 16 Taurus I see, and when the eye is opened, all is light.
Dec. 17 Gemini I recognize my other self, and when this self fades away, I grow and shine.
Dec. 18 Cancer I build a lighted house in which I dwell.
Dec. 19 Leo I am it and it is I.
Dec. 20 Virgo I am the mother and child. I am God, I am matter.
Dec. 21 Libra I choose the road that goes between the two major power lines.
Dec. 22 Scorpio I am warrior, and from the fight I stand victorious.
Dec. 23 Sagittarius I see the goal. I reach this goal, and then I see another.
Dec. 24 Capricorn I am bathed in celestial light, but turns, however, my back to the light.
Dec. 25 Aquarius In the coming year my true home should be the shrine of love. I promise to obey the law of love.
Dec. 26 Pisces I get my right to give love and remember that I had no right to demand love.
Dec. 27 Aries I become member of the army of light promise to keep my place.
Dec. 28 Taurus I undertake – of my own volition – the responsibility of the whole.
Dec. 29 Gemini Although divided, we are one – I promise to protect this unity.
Dec. 30 Cancer What the sun is to nature, is the warmth of love for our inner lives. I promise to protect and nurture this hearth.
Dec. 31 Leo I will abide of my free will and without complaint from being taken away from my place if I had to give way or waver for any hardships faced by my loved ones.
Jan. 1 Virgo I know that love is a universe, and that I only grasp its atom. I pledge to uphold its pure marriage with Earth.
Jan. 2 Libra I promise toward the sinner to exercise judgment punishment: forgiveness, and help new covenant of love (as is God).
Jan. 3 Scorpio I give of my heart full of creative power, which I got from love. Thus is my promise.
Jan. 4 Sagittarius Love is the only ruler and creator, the only king. Love is my bow and my arrow. My pledge and my salary.
Jan. 5 Capricorn I dedicate the spirit of this night that is born in me, to the work of love.

It’s interesting that Jeanne Darc was born the sixth of January where the Greek-Roman period ended and our current period started, she changed the face of Europe physically and spiritually, she was the pioneer of modern man.


Se also “The Dream Song about Olaf Åsteson who slept from christmas and thirteen days”.

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On Spiritual Research – Practical Guidelines

To understand and validate the esoteric knowledge there are other ways than clairvoyant faculties, and in the following I will list the things that I and others have found useful, with links to related texts.

Framework and Theories

  • LibraThe primary thing is to build a consistent framework around ones knowledge, extending it when new knowledge comes to. Don’t make the structure bigger than you can hold it consistent, that is, if too many loose ends are floating around it’s too difficult to handle. I started with the Akasha Chronicles by Steiner, which is the Rosicrucian Cosmic History. More in Esoteric History of Man and Creation of the Sun System and the Zodiac
  • If I didn’t have a theory, even if it was wrong, I couldn’t extend my knowledge. In research you will constantly be wrong on some points, but you will extend the area you are right all the time.
  • Find a good consistent vocabulary to build the framework around. I use Steiner’s as no other esoteric language is as consistent and connected to our time. In the The Rosicrucian Cross I have relations between Kabbalah, esoteric and traditional names of the hierarchies/spiritual powers and in The Bodies of Man I have relations between the names of the layers of man in many spiritual traditions.
  • Find a good structure to hang your knowledge on. I use the Kabbalah Tree of Life as no other structure is so clear, and every other major religion or spiritual tradition relates to the tree! More on the tree and it’s relations to other traditions here: The Rosicrucian CrossTao – The Equilibrium of Yin and Yang and Changing Hierarchies through Time.
  • Follow your own inspiration, don’t let anyone put your thinking behind bars, let your results logic speak for you. There are people who have no scientific understanding who try to limit the thinking of others for pseudo religious reasons, meaning they can’t give a logical explanation for their view.
  • Remember Sherlock Holmes: When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Here a number of quotes on thinking that may be usable: Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it – on Thinking


  • HermitNever rely on one source. Whatever you find it should be consistent with other sources and/or it’s inherent logic should be impeccable. Findings without supporting evidence or inconsistencies should be saved until further evidence for or against is found. As a teenager I was somewhat fascinated with UFOs but then decided to have no meaning about them as it lacked both hard evidence, logical support, and relevance for my life.
  • When you read a text and feels confused it may not be your problem, not all authors know what they write about. A person who don’t know his topic have a tendency to write large texts where the one who understand it fully only need few lines.
  • Everything are usable as sources: science, religion, esoteric literature, fairy talesfilms, your every day life, observance of your own thinking, dreams, and so forth.
  • Use Retrospect Inquiry before sleep to find and think through the important events of the day, our mind is the best crucible we have to learn how the mind functions. One way is to think it through backwards, but after a time they pop up by themselves. In  The Bodies of Man I have a comparison between the three soul components of man in various religious, esoteric and psychoanalytic systems. In steiners vocabulary they are Sentient soul, Intellectual soul, and Conscious soul and in physical they are known as Limbic brain, left brain hemisphere and right brain hemisphere, where the last is the least developed.
  • Use your dreams to explore both your own consciousness but also other aspects of the physical and spiritual world. I have more on this in Dream Interpretation in Esoteric Work and Esoteric Aspects of the Isis figure
  • If you find a seemingly inconsistency or lack of explanations, note it for future study, a puzzle piece that may be of future use.
  • Another possibility to collect spiritual knowledge without spiritual faculties are Astrology, which both have helped me get a clearer knowledge about myself, but also given me the astrologers clear and precise language, which no other psychological or spiritual tradition have. This opens for understanding of different kinds of esoteric literature which is indecipherable for non astrologers. An example in The Sons of Jacob and the Zodiac
  • All this relates back to spiritual knowledge, the Framework, otherwise it would be atomic knowledge without a unifying framework.

Areas of Research

Love of Truth

ManifestorThe search for truth is foremost in esoteric science, not that there is a TRUTH, but everybody should strive to find truth. Truth is not relative, nor is it political, and neither can it build on feelings alone. Truth is like a diamond, each human soul have it’s own facet of this diamond describing it’s view on the reality.

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. Mohandas Gandhi

To find truth we need logic to find the way through the cacophony of information. Logic is valid on all planes, not only in the physical world, so it’s a vital tool wherever our search brings us:

“Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics. He, however, who begins with Metaphysics, will not… only become confused in matters of religion, but will fall into complete infidelity.” ( — Maimonides)  Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it

Life itself will force people to learn logic, each time we make an error and recognize it, we are forced to think and understand the Why behind, and with time and enough incarnations we begin to see the logic behind existence.

Contemplative Inquiry

One way to think is Contemplative Inquiry, where the person sits with vertical back and open eyes and fully conscious, but letting the thoughts free on esoteric ideas, and in this way invite the higher I down into the thinking process. Thoughts on the physical world or closed eyes moves the focus to the physical noise, the background noise of the sentient soul.

Knowledge resides in the brain that is filled with thoughts of others, but wisdom resides in the souls of those who attentively listens to their own thoughts. Eli Wamberg

The search for knowledge will in itself change your life. The Eightfold Path 

The goal is to reach the shared wisdom of humanity, what all esoteric teachers tell about, and here some quotes by Steiner Soul, Love and Heart Thinking

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Esoteric Picture Collections with References and Texts

I believe that one picture replaces many words, so I have made some picture collections where I try to show the relationship between different religious and esoteric traditions. The following collages are entries into these collections. Most pictures both contains texts and references.

Variations around the Trinities

In all religions and esoteric traditions we have the three creative powers of the Trinity more or less hidden. These three powers are also known through their colors, with Red for the Father, Blue for the Mother, and typically Yellow for the Son, symbolizing all colors. The picture and label link to the collection:

See Variations around the Trinities

This is the main theme of this blog, and the most central texts are:

  • The Art of Asha, an Analysis
    “The Art of Asha” are the origin of chess and was introduced by Zarathustra as a kind of teaching aid describing the spiritual powers or hierarchies behind the physical world. But the spiritual background was lost, and here I regain it.
    Johfra’s Libra – an Analysis
    I had some years ago an inspiring idea exchange on Johfra’s beautiful picture
    Libra, and I bring it here as it was very illuminating, and a good example showing that it is possible to work together, instead of the usual fights between different opinions.

The World Egg and the Zodiac

The World Egg is the most universal symbol we have, and the Zodiac is the most developed form of it, but it’s everywhere, we just don’t recognize it as representing the world egg.

We can find the history of the zodiac in the four heavenly beasts, Eagle, Lion, Ox and Man; they were the first members of the Zodiac, first later came the Cardinal signs, and later again the mutable, they came when man began developing these qualities, just as the outer planets first became visible when they became influential. In the bible we find it in The Sons of Jacob and the Zodiac.

I have made a collection of pictures with text and references:

See The World Egg and the Zodiac

I have made “Creation of the Sun System and the Zodiac” for an illustrated overview of what was created, with the following extract as basis:

“The egg of Amma was closed, but made of four parts called ‘clavicules,’ themselves ovoid and joined as if they had extruded one from the others. Amma is four joined clavicules; it is only these four clavicles.” (Marcel Griaule & Germaine Dieterlen, Le renard pâle)

The sun system is ‘Amma’s Egg’ [the Zodiac], not the whole universe. Within his egg, Amma began spinning around, forming the po seed. The po is the smallest invisible seed at the center.

Amma then placed seven ‘words’ [Planets] in the po, which began to vibrate strongly within the seed. The spiraling vibrations caused four clavicles to grow forth from the po. These were the four heavenly beasts, the fixed star signs. These four Androgyne beings split into four male and four female, the cardinal and fixed star signs.

The Dogon call these beings the Nommo Anagonno, ‘The Word (Nommo) that Became Fish-Man’ (Anagonno). The male and female got a son, and the mutable star signs was created.

There are two levels of understanding, the macrocosmic, as mentioned above, but also the microcosmic:
“Hence, the eight ancestors were taken to heaven with the Nummo to learn the skills of civilisation. Later, each was given one of the eight grains of heaven, with which they returned to live with men, civilising them. They thus became the “civilising deities”, the Dogon equivalent of the Apkallu, or Seven Sages.” See The Old Granary.

This description of the Earth creation is only part of another greater history, the creation of man, which started long before Earth. In Esoteric History of Man I give a short overview of the path man has followed since the initial seed of man was created.

Nidanas and the Zodiac


I have looked at the Nidanas in relation to the Zodiac. The twelve Nidanas are the karmic powers keeping man reincarnating on the Earth. The twelve Nidanas consists of three groups, the first group of four is the Cardinal signs, the next group are the Mutable and the last group are the Fixed star signs. In the following tables and zodiac I have placed the Nidanas on the zodiac following these principles. See Astrology, Karma & Nidanas

Lucifer – Shiva and Krishna

Another entry into the history of humanity is through Lucifer, the lightbringer, see The Origin of Lucifer – Shiva


The Earth evolution started within the existing universe, with center in the sun, and on the planet Earth was constructed a crucible where the seed to the new universe was constructed.

Shiva, the Luciferic powers, were the creators of the old universe; together with Brahma and Vishnu they were the old universe. See also The Origin of Lucifer – Shiva.

In the crucible the new began to take form, Krishna, the transformed Lucifer, became stronger and stronger and the old Lucifer, Shiva became smaller and smaller, through the development of man. See Krishna as Teacher of Love

When the new universe was developed far enough, the transformed gods died in the old universe, and they resurrected/incarnated into the new universe, from being outside the physical body of man, they became soul and spirit in man, what we see outside is the dead body of the gods, the new universe is inside man.  See Krishna and the Holy Spirit

Francis Bacon and the American Project

What happens in the world have always been prepared from the spiritual world through highly developed people. In the time before Christ it was kings and priests who led the development, after Christ it was more incognito, but they were great personalities within all aspects of the society ingeniously infusing new ideas and changing the power structures from country to country op through Europe as the point of focus changed.

The American adventure wasn’t just a random thing, it was prepared through hundreds of years, but now the ideas behind have worn down, something new is needed.

I have collected some material behind the American project here, includes many pictures, texts, and references:

See Francis Bacon and the American Project

The driving force of history have always been a pair, the Hero and the Teacher as Alexander the Great and Aristotle. Was Francis Bacon the Teacher and King James I the Hero? Benjamin Franklin the Teacher and George Washington the Hero.

Description of the work done under the auspices of Francis Bacon:

  1. To develop and improve the English language for future use so it could become an instrument for a new world of universal values across national borders, with America as a pilot project.
  2. To formulate a renewed spiritually grounded whole philosophy of the future, uniting the physical, mental and spiritual, and built bridges between faith and enlightenment.
  3. Providing for publication of books in England and in continental Europe, and in general to stimulate learning, study, individual discernment and human integrity.
  4. To use theater and art as cultural and spiritual tool and through entertaining creativity to promote the formation, life-insight and consciousness transformation.
  5. To launch scientific research on a group basis, with special focus on promoting new, empirical discovery methods, the reader universe laws.
  6. Working in a ritual community for spiritual elevation, as has occurred in the helmet or the Knights of Solomon House, the Rosicrucian, Masonic work.
  7. To tell about it for posterity and hide it in cryptographic codes, so it little by little would be possible for people to see and understand the work and be encouraged to continue development.

From Søren Hauge: Shakespeare Mysteriet

Pythagoras et al

Much of modern esoteric knowledge goes back to Pythagoras, but what we know about his teachings are mostly through indirect sources.

I have collected a number of pictures, texts and references here:

See Pythagoras et al

One of the most interesting topics, but least understood, is the Golden Mean which Plato said was the key to the universe: “Golden Mean, Key to the Universe?“.

I have written a note on “Origin of the usage of Left Path and Right Path“, as it has been misused in various discussions, but it goes at least back to Pythagoras.

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The Rosicrucian Cross

The Rosicrucian Cross is the symbol for the Spiritual Stream started by Christian Rosenkreuz known under the name Rosicrucianism.

The Rosicrucian Cross combines the seven Red Roses, Lotus Flowers or Chakra’s with the Cross we have seen in the Caduceus Staff or the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah. When the Roses Bloom on the cross, the Chakras has been opened. The twelve rays are the influence of the Zodiac as the roses symbolize the planets.

With the Black Cross.

A meditation on the cross by Rudolf Steiner:

Imagine you see before you a black cross. Let this black cross be for you a symbol for the baser elements that have been cast out of man’s impulses and passions; and at the point where the beams of the cross meet, picture to yourself seven resplendent bright red roses arranged in a circle. Let these roses symbolize for you a blood that is the expression of passions and impulses that have undergone purification.

And further on the cross:

He who tears the roses from the black cross and has nothing left but the black cross, would fall into the clutches of Ahriman. The black cross in itself represents life when it strives to embrace inanimate matter. Also, if one were to separate the cross from the roses, keeping only the latter, one would nor find the proper thing. For the roses, separate from the cross, tend to elevate us to a life of selfish striving toward the spiritual, but not to a life in which we reveal the spirit in a material world. Not the cross alone, not the roses alone, but the roses on the cross, the cross carrying the roses: That is our proper symbol.

The seven Roses can be combined with the five pointed star of Venus (Lucifer) as used by the Rosicrucian Fellowship:

There exist a third cross with only one Rose:


The Rose represents the female principle while the Cross represents the masculine principle. The same is represented through the sign for Earth, The Universal Androgyne:

The Universal Androgyne

In Max Heindel‘s description of the Temple Legend, where Hiram Abiff builds the Temple of Salomon, he writes the following about the Origin of the Cross:

Hiram was again conducted to the surface of the earth and as he walked from the scene of his shattered ambition, the conspirators set upon and fatally wounded him; but before he expired, he hid the hammer and disc upon which he had inscribed the Word. This was never found until ages later when Hiram, “the widow’s Son,” was reborn as Lazarus and became the friend and pupil of the Lion of Judah, who raised him from death through initiation. When the hammer was found it had the shape of a CROSS, and the disc had become a ROSE. Therefore Hiram took his place among the immortals under the new and symbolical name

Christian Rosenkreuz.

He founded the Order of Temple-Builders which bears his name; in that Order aspiring souls are still instructed how to fuse the base metals and make the White Stone.

One of the entrances to the temple was decorated with Roses. The Rose connects to Shekinah (Sophia) who has been titled ‘The Rose of the World’, Rosamundi.

The hammer Hiram Abiff received from Tubal-Cain is The Tau Cross:

The Tau CrossThe Cross is still used in Masonic Symbolism.

Arthur Edward Waite on the Rosicrucian Cross in Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross:

holygrail9Thus the Rose is a symbol of Mary because of her motherhood, but in relation to her it belongs to divine things, even as she herself stands on the threshold of Deity, being Spouse of the Divine Spirit and bearer of the Divine word made flesh. So also is the Rose of Shekinah, a Divine Rose, as she whom it typifies is Divine Mother of souls.’

The Rose of Sophia is actually the Holy Grail and Jesus Christ the Hostie.

In The Fraternity of the Rose Cross the connection between the Rosicrucian Rose and the Kabbalah is shown through the Ten petals of the Rose and the Pythagorean Number:

The rose is a yonic symbol associated with generation, fecundity, and purity. The fact that flowers blossom by unfolding has caused them to be chosen as symbolic of spiritual unfoldment. The red color of the rose refers to the blood of Christ, and the golden heart concealed within the midst of the flower corresponds to the spiritual gold concealed within the human nature.

The number of its petals being ten is also a subtle reminder of the perfect Pythagorean number. The rose symbolizes the heart, and the heart has always been accepted by Christians as emblematic of the virtues of love and compassion, as well as of the nature of Christ – the personification of these virtues. The rose as a religious emblem is of great antiquity. It was accepted by the Greeks as the symbol of the sunrise, or of the coming of dawn.

The perfect Pythagorean number ten (tetractys) can be developed by adding the points in a pyramid four high = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10:

First row are Kether, second row are Chokmah and Binah, third row are Chesed, Geburah, and Tiphareth,  and fourth row are Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth.

The Tree of Life in Rosicrucian Context

Many see Kabbalah as an intellectual game without any relation to the real world, nothing could be more wrong! It’s a description of man, and what is involved in his development. Each Sephira is, of course, a spiritual principle, but for all spiritual principles there are also living beings, and further more, each being is also part of a larger being.

The Tree of Life seen from a Rosicrucian viewpoint: The seven Roses represents the seven lower Sephirots (or Chakras), where the three upper Sephirots are above man, on the other side of the Abyss.

Christian RosencreuzKabbalah Tree of Life with Rosicrucian names

The three Sephirots of the second Triangle, below the Abyss, are Called “The World Father” or Atma, “The World Mother” or Buddhi, and “The World Son” or Manas by the Rosicrucian’s, which are the higher layers of Man. This can also be seen in this table.

The Tree of Life can also be written with the European Esoteric names for the Sephira:

European Esoteric Names for the SephiraEuropean Esoteric Names for the Sephira in the Kabbalah Tree of Life

The Ten Sephira corresponds to the Spirit of Love, Harmony, Will, Wisdom, Motion, Form, Personality or Time, Fire, Twilight, and Man.

Spiritual Hierarchy in Various Context

The Spiritual Hierarchy
Traditional Other Kabbalah Esoteric
First Hierarchy Spirits of
Seraphim Kether Love
Cherubim Chokmah Harmony
Thrones Binah Will
Second Hierarchy
Kyriotetes Dominions Chesed Wisdom
Geburah Motion,
Exusiai Powers, Authorities Tiphareth Form
Third Hierarchy
Principalities, Primal Beginnings Netzach Personality,
Archangels Messengers of the Beginnings,
Sons of Fire,
Fire Spirits
Hod Fire
Angels Messengers,
Sons of Life,
Lunar Pitris
Yesod Twilight

The Crest of Johann Valentin Andreæ
The Microcosmic Cross
Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz

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Serpents of the Kundalini Fire

To continue the tale of the serpents lets look at the Kundalini Fire from India. The Kundalini system looks like the Caduceus Staff with the two Serpents around the spine: Kundalini with Chakras The serpents has two different colors like the two outer pillars in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and they have the same interpretations as the Feminine and Masculine energies. Seven Lotus Flowers or Chakras, which are spiritual organs, are placed on the spine.

Macrocosmic Man

Left side of Man  is the masculine side and the right side is the feminine side, as we see the Tree of Life from the front, the macrocosmic man.

Chakras in the Tree of Life
! Face looking out of paper !

The correspondence between the Chakras (see later) and the Sephirots:

  1. Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra, corresponds to Keter
  2. Ajna, the Third Eye , or the Brow Chakra corresponds to Chokmah, and the back head chakra with Binah.
  3. Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra corresponds to Chesed and Ta Chui, The Neck Chakra, with Gevurah.
  4. Ahanhata or the Heart Chakra corresponds to Tiferet
  5. Manipura or the Navel Chakra, where Hod corresponds to the Liver and Netzach corresponds to the Stomach
  6. Svadhistana or the Sacral Chakra corresponds to Yesod
  7. Muladhara, the base of spine, the Root Chakra, corresponds to Malkhut

From the heart and up the feminine and masculine energies are nearly in Equilibrium with the heart near the center.

5. Chesed, 6. Gevurah, 7. Chokmah, 8. Binah, 9. Daat, 10. Kether

Microcosmic Man

Rudolf Steiner describes the two sides of man as being a kind of fight between Luciferic and Ahrimanic powers, where Lucifer is the masculine power (Yang) and Ahriman is the feminine power (Yin). Both described in the literature as Serpents or Dragons. Lucifer represents The Right Pillar, and Ahriman The Left Pillar. They are on Earth seen as Evil powers, but they are necessary factors in our development, as we both need the Feminine and Masculine influence, but we need to find the balance between them. From The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman:

The left part of you — your left man, as it were — is the fortification set up by Lucifer, and your right man is the fortification set up by Ahriman. And the whole art of life consists in finding the true balance between them.

See also an extended Collection of Steiner texts about Lucifer and Ahriman(pdf) . The energy flows from the left side to the right side, from the Luciferic or Masculine side to the Ahrimanic or Feminine side.

Spiritual AnatomyMicrocosmic Man

Crossed arms or legs shortcuts the natural streams and should be avoided, except where specified in meditative practices.

From The Kingdom of God from

“Now this Kundalini is the power which is placed in the sacrum bone, nowhere else… And imagine this bone is called sacrum; “sacrum” means “sacred. So they knew there was something in it… This is the primule, is the germinating power within us. Now this fact has been accepted for thousands of years in India and elsewhere. For in the Bible also … they talk of the Tree of Life. That is the same as this… So this is the thing that is being described in our ancient books, in all the scriptures, even in the Qur’an they are described as Ruh, R,U,H, Ruh. “Ruh” means the “cold breeze”, the “cool breeze”. The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is described in the Bible also.

Japanese Mitsudomoe

The Mitsudomoe represents the trinity of the Shinto religion: Sky, Man, and Earth, which is the same as the three Pillars of Kabbalah: first, second and third, or Steiners Lucifer, Christ, and Ahriman, or the Hindi Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas.

Japanese Mitsudomoe

Korean Sam-Taegeuk

In Sam-taegeuk we have the same three, with red as heaven, blue as Earth, the physical world, and yellow as man.

Korean Sam-Taegeuk

In relation to Kabbalah, blue is the left pillar, yellow the center pillar, and red is the right pillar.

Bön tradition of Tibet

Bön is the oldest spiritual tradition of Tibet, and they use the same symbol as the Korean Sam-Taegeuk.

The Three Gunas

In the Aurvedic tradition the three Gunas are the three principles of the world. The “trinity”, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, represent the gunas, or qualities of tamas, sattva and rajas. From Brahman, Atman, Karma and Gunas

They are sattva (goodness, virtue, essence), rajas (power, passion, activity) and tamas (dullness, inertia). All earthly events, like the laws of nature, are guided by one of the three gunas or a combination thereof. There should be a balance between them for harmonious workings of the world. Disequilibria will lead to chaos, war, suffering, corruption and destruction.

The three gunas dominate People by various degrees and a way to regulate these in the body and mind is through ayurvedic cooking:

Sattvic foods :

Are fresh, juicy, light, unctuous, nourishing, sweet and tasty.
Give the necessary energy to the body without taxing it.
The foundation of higher states of consciousness.
Examples : juicy fruits, fresh vegetables that are easily digestible, fresh milk and butter, whole soaked or also sprouted beans, grains and nuts, many herbs and spices in the right combinations with other foods,…

Rajasic foods :

Are bitter, sour, salty, pungent, hot and dry.
Increase the speed and excitement of the human organism.
The foundation of motion, activity and pain.
Examples : sattvic foods that have been fried in oil or cooked too much or eaten in excess, specific foods and spices that are strongly exciting, …

Tamasic Foods :

Are dry, old, decaying, distasteful and/or unpalatable.
Consume a large amount of energy while being digested.
The foundation of ignorance, doubt, pessimism, …
Examples : foods that have been strongly processed, canned or frozen and/or are old, stale or incompatible with each other – meat, fish, eggs and liquor are especially tamasic.

Saints and seers can survive easily on sattvic foods alone. Householders that live in the world and have to keep pace with its’ changes also need rajasic energy. They ought to keep a balance between the sattvic and rajasic foods and try to avoid tamasic foods as much as possible.

Tamas is Yin or the left pillar of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and Rajas is Yang or the right pillar, and Sattva is the equilibrium, Tao the imaginary line between Yin and Yang, the center pillar.

Hatha Yoga

The definition of Hatha Yoga, from Erin Goldman:

Yoga, as you may know, means union. Hatha is actually two words in one. Ha meaning sun and tha meaning moon. So one might say that Hatha Yoga is the union of opposites (of sun and moon). We all have “sun energy” within us. This is a masculine, active, fire energy. We also have within us “moon energy”. This is a feminine, passive, cooling energy. The practice of Hatha Yoga joins together these two opposite energies, creating a balanced individual. The combination of the words Ha and Tha in sanskrit means forceful. Thus, the practice creates a more balanced and more powerful you.

And as Ha are the masculine Sun it relates to Rajas, Yang or Lucifer and Tha the feminine Moon relates to Tamas, Yin or Ahriman, and Hatha is the equilibrium and relates to Sattva, Tao, or Christ.

Yamas and Niyamas

In Hatha yoga there are a set of moral and ethic directives, Yamas and Niyamas, that work on the area of Ha and Tha:

The Yamas

Since Yama comes from the root word ‘yam’ ‘to hold’ or ‘to rule’, yama yoga represents the behaviours that ‘control’ certain negative tendencies (the ‘animal/instinctive nature’) that occur in all human beings. These are the five ideals of:

  • Ahimsa (non-violence)
  • Satya (truth)
  • Asteya (non-stealing, or non-cheating)
  • Brahmacharya (continence, involving self-restraint and moderation in all you do)
  • Aparigraha (non-coveting, including no envy, jealousy or unhealthy competitiveness).
The Niyamas

The niyamas are the general actions that are necessary if we truly want to achieve a condition of health and deep balance within ourselves. The niyamas ask us to aim for:

  • Purity (Sauca)
  • Contentment (Santosha)
  • Ardour (Ishawar-Pranidhana)
  • Discipline (Tapas)
  • And study of the Self (Svadhyaya)

Yamas is rules to discipline Tha or Yin where Niyamas are rules to discipline Ha or Yang.

Ketu and Rahu


Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 5.4.1-5.5.1:

“Clearly, that is itself, and that was just this, namely, the Satyam (the real or true) itself. ‘Brahman is the real (Satyam)’– a man who knows this immense and first-born divine being in this manner conquers these worlds. ‘Brahman is the real (Satyam)’– a man who knows this immense and first-born divine being in this manner, would he ever be conquered himself? For Brahman is simply Satyam (the real or true).

…..The gods venerated only Satyam (the real or true) , which is made up of three syllables — sa, ti, yam. Sa is one syllable, ti is another, yam is the third. The first and last syllables constitute the real, while the middle syllable is the unreal. So the unreal is trapped on both sides by the real and becomes completely united with the real. The unreal does not injure a man who knows this.”

Vesica Pisces Brahman EN

And a slightly different explanation given in Chandogya Upanishad 8.5.4:

“Now the name of Brahman is Satyam (Real or true). This word has three syllables: sa, ti, and yam. Of these, sat is the immortal, and ti is the mortal, while the syllable yam is what joins those two together. Because the two are joined together (yam) by it, it is called yam. Anyone who knows this goes to the heavenly world every single day.”

The last can be shown in western esoteric tradition as:

Vesica Pisces Soul parts.

Incan Tradition

In the Incan tradition they have yachay, munay, and llankey which is the same as the three Pillars of Kabbalah: right, center and left pillar, or Steiners Lucifer, Christ, and Ahriman, or the Hindi Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas:

In the Andes they recognize three ways of knowing, each associated with a different part of our physical body. I have found this distinction to be very useful in organizing my thoughts about what the Andean culture has to offer and how it differs from our own. One way of knowing is through the yachay, which is located in the head. The yachay is the center of the intellect. A second way of knowing is through the munay, which is located in the heart. The munay is the center of love. And a third way of knowing is through the llankay, which is located slightly below the navel. The llankay is the center of the physical body. The Andeans take the whole of who we are as a being and differentiate it into three aspects, sometimes, for they also differentiate it in other ways as well, into two aspects (the right side and left side of the body), or some other number, depending upon the context. […]  Anyway, one class of distinctions the Andeans make in our existence is between the intellect (yachay), the heart (munay), and the ability to manipulate the physical world (the llankay), we can be differentiated in other ways as well. Kenosis.

The Pentagram and the Ether Streams

Steiner describes, in “From the Contents of Esoteric Classes“, the pentagram with:

We’re always surrounded by five ether streams in the world around us on earth. They’re called earth, water, fire, air and thought ethers. These etheric streams are also active in man: earth either from the head to the right foot, from there water ether to the left hand, from there fire ether to the right hand, from there air ether to the left foot, and then thought ether back to the head. This is the occultist’s sacred pentagram, the symbol of man. Its point is directed upwards, which indicates that the spirit streams to man from the heights. The pentagram is present in many flowers and other things in nature. The sign of black magic is a pentagram with one point at the bottom, through which magicians attract bad forces from the earth and send them out of the two top horns into the environment by means of their bad will in order to use soul and nature forces for their own egotistical, evil purposes.


The cross sections of the five etheric streams and their connections with color, taste, and body regions are as follows:

Prithivi Tattwa, earth ether, square with only the corners distinct, yellow, sweet, bones and muscles;
 Apas Tattwa, water ether, crescent moon at fifth day, white, tart, digestion;
 Teja/Agni Tattwa, fire ether, equilateral triangle, red, hot, blood;
 Vaju Tattwa, air ether, circle, green, sour, nerves;
Akasha Tattwa, thought ether, two intersecting spirals — one is distinct, dark blue, bitter, lymph vessel system.

The five ether streams are called Tattwas.

And in “The Creative Cosmic Tone

It is characteristic of it [the etheric body] that it is indeed, the architect, the creator of the physical body. Just as ice forms out of water, so does the physical body fashion itself out of the etheric body, which, like the ocean, is flooded through by many currents flowing in all directions. Among them are five main currents. When you stand with feet apart and arms outstretched, you can accurately follow the direction of these five currents. They form a pentagram. Everybody has these five currents hidden in him. The healthy etheric body appears so that these currents are, as it were, his bony framework. You must not suppose however, that everything pertaining to the etheric body is only within, because when a person moves, for instance, the currents actually go through the air. This pentagram is as mobile as a man’s physical bony framework. Thus, when the occultist speaks of the pentagram as the figure of man, it is not a matter of something that has been thought out, but rather he is speaking of it as the anatomist does of the skeleton.

Yin and Yang Meridians

Here we see the meridians of the chinese acupunkture system, with Yin as right side and Yang as left side.


The Rosicrucian Cross

The Rosicrucian Cross is the symbol for the Spiritual Stream started by Christian Rosenkreuz known under the name Rosicrucianism. The Rosicrucian Cross combines the seven Red Roses, Lotus Flowers or Chakra’s with the Cross we have seen in the Caduceus Staff or the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah. When the Roses Bloom on the cross the Chakra’s has been opened. The twelve rays are the influence of the Zodiac as the roses symbolize the planets.

In this context, the roses are Yang and the cross Yin, but together they are life, Tao or in Hindi Rajas, Tamas and Sattva.

In Steiners terminology Lucifer, Ahriman and Christ:

He who tears the roses from the black cross and has nothing left but the black cross, would fall into the clutches of Ahriman. The black cross in itself represents life when it strives to embrace inanimate matter. Also, if one were to separate the cross from the roses, keeping only the latter, one would nor find the proper thing. For the roses, separate from the cross, tend to elevate us to a life of selfish striving toward the spiritual, but not to a life in which we reveal the spirit in a material world. Not the cross alone, not the roses alone, but the roses on the cross, the cross carrying the roses: That is our proper symbol. RS

From a meditation by Steiner:

Imagine you see before you a black cross. Let this black cross be for you a symbol for the baser elements that have been cast out of man’s impulses and passions; and at the point where the beams of the cross meet, picture to yourself seven resplendent bright red roses arranged in a circle. Let these roses symbolize for you a blood that is the expression of passions and impulses that have undergone purification.

Kundalini Rising

There are three forces connected with the spine, also called Sushumna or Aaron’s rod. These are Kundalini, the serpent-fire, Ida the female force, and Pingala the male force. The Moon moves in the Ida and the Sun in the Pingala. Ida is cooling. Pingala is heating. The two serpents, around the Spine, has two different colors like the two outer pillars in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and they have the same interpretations as the Feminine and Masculine energies. They connect Earth with the spiritual world and the spiritual world with Earth. For these to flow the Lotus Flowers, or Chakras, has to be open or running. When European esoteric talk about Initiation eastern religions talk about Kundalini Rising. The development path is described in The Eightfold Path. Kundalini Raising


The Chakras is known all over the world and are the spiritual organs controlling our body. The Inkas in south America know five of them, and they match the Indian descriptions.

The five ñawi (eyes) are roughly equivalent to the chakras. Kulli ñawi corresponds to the third eye, Sonqo ñawi to the heart, kunka ñawi to the throat, cosco ñawi to the navel, and siki ñawi to the root chakra.

The Chinese know them and use them in their medicine. They are the base for Astrology, and most alternative medical schools. When we are born, our Astral organs contains a picture of our Karma, which through our youth are build into the Etheric organs, and the pictures are erased from the Astral body as they are imprinted in the Etheric body. Astrology tells about Karmas influence on you, through those Etheric organs. Through your life you build your new karma in your Astral body, constantly modeling the Astral organs. When the Kundalini fires, your Astral body’s Chakras are imprinted into the Ether body, and you have now made your own Etheric organs, from the Karma you have build in this life, and is now free from the tyranny of your birth chart. The Chakras relation to our spiritual bodies are shown in a table in Dream Interpretation in Esoteric Work

Yetzer ha Tob and Yetzer ha Ra

From “An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah” by William Wynn Westcott:

In another form of symbolism the Kabalist tells us a man has two companions, or guides; one on the right, Yetzer ha Tob, to good acts, he is from the higher Sephiroth; and one on the left, Yetzer ha Ra, encouraging the appetites and passions, temptations to evil, is an agent of Samael and of The Beast.

Man is in a very unfortunate position according to the Zohar 95 b, for it is there said that the Evil Angel joins him at birth, but the Good Angel only at the age of 13 years.


Merkabah, also spelled Merkava, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms, symbolized with the Kabbalah. “Mer” means Light, “Ka” means Spirit, and “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body with rotating fields of light, which transports energy in our spiritual bodies, our chakras are the seven lowest of these sephira.

The four Chayot angels, Man, Ox, Lion and Eagle, represent the basic archetypes that God used to create the current nature of the world, the lower 4 sephira. They also relate to the inner planets, Earth, Moon, Venus, and Mercury.

Gustav Dore

In Alchemy

In Synergetic Qabala the relation between the Gunas and Alchemical metals are described

Alchemy is not concerned exclusively with consciousness, but also seeks the subtle transformation of the body, so that the physical level is also brought into perfect equilibrium.  Thus, the alchemical metals may be considered analogous to the chakras of the yogis.  We can draw another parallel among the three major principles of alchemy and those of Yoga, which are known as the Gunas. Mercury……….Sattva Sulphur………Rajas Salt……….Tamas The quality of Mercury is vital and reflective; it equates with the spiritual principles of goodness and intelligence; Sattva guna is illuminative.  The quality of Sulphur is fiery and passionate like the principles of Rajas, which incites desire, attachment and action.  The quality of Salt is arrestive and binding, and reflects the gross inertia of matter, which is much like Tamas.  These gunas and the three alchemical substances symbolize spirit, soul and body.  Another “alchemical” way the gunas were applied concerns food: sattvic foods incline one toward meditation and the spiritual life (fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains); rajasic foods are stimulating (i.e. spicy food); tamasic food incites the baser instincts (animal flesh). The concept of four basic elements, harmonized in a fifth, is also common to both alchemy and yoga doctrines.  The Indian elements are known as Tattvas.  They are:  Akasha (quintessence); Tejas or Agni (fire); Apas (water); Vayu (air); Prithivi (earth).  Furthermore, the preparation for the practice of both alchemy and yoga requires a moral or ethical preparation.  Both stress that evil tendencies should be overcome while positive virtues are developed.  This includes both behavior and the purification of various body centers.  The objective is not wealth, but health or wholeness. Alchemy also speaks of a “secret fire”, which is often compared to a serpent or dragon.  Here again, we find the correspondence to Kundalini, the serpent-power.  Alchemy is performed by the aid of Mercury, the illuminative principle, and the powers of the sun and moon.  Both alchemists and Tantrics practice with the essential aid, sometimes sexual, of a mystical sister, the alchemist’s soror mystica or yogi’s yogini, complement of King/Queen, Shiva-Shakti, God/Goddess joined together in the miracle marriage.  The yogic system works in three channels in the subtle body.  One equates with the sun, another with the moon.  They are called ida and pingala.  The third, or harmonizing channel, is known as sushumna, and is associated with illumination.  The twin serpents twine together and open the third way, as shown in the Cadeusus.

Paracelsus in “The life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim…” by Franz Hartmann

The Bible tells us that Man is made out of nothing ; that is to say, his spirit, the real man, is from God, who is not a thing, but the eternal reality ; but he is made into three somethings or substances,’ and these three constitute the whole of Man: they are himself, and he is they, and from them he receives all that is good or evil for him. Every state in which man can possibly enter is determined by number, measure, and weight.’ The “Three Substances” are the three forms or modes of action in which the universal primordial Will is manifesting itself throughout Nature, for all things are a Trinity in a Unity. The ” Salt” represents the principle of corporification, the astringent or contractive and solidifying quality, or, in other words, the body ; the ‘Sulphur’ represents the expansive power — the centrifugal force, in contradistinction to the centripetal motion of the first quality — it is that which “burns,” i.e., the soul or light in all things ; and the “Mercury” is the Life, i.e. that principle or form of will which manifests itself as life, or consciousness and sensation. Each of these forms of will is an individual power ;  nevertheless they are substantial, for “matter” and “force” are one, and originate from the same cause. The three substances, held together in harmonious proportions, constitute health; their disharmony constitutes disease, and their disruption death.

Steiner in Salt, Mercury, Sulphur

In olden times men did not use the abstract word think to express something that arose in the mind as a picture. When a real knower spoke about ‘thinking’ he spoke of the salt-process just described. Nor did he speak in an abstract way of the ‘will’ but of the astral forces laying hold of the airy element in man, of the sulphur-process from which the will is born. Willing was a process of concrete reality and it was said that the adjustment between the two — for they are opposite processes — was brought about by the mercury-process, by that which is fluid and yet has form, which swings to and fro from the etheric nature to the astral nature, from the fluidic to the aeriform.

Dambala and Aida Wedo – Tahiti

Body, Soul, and Spirit

In the western countries the church only work with Body and Soul, having done away with the spirit in 689. Steiner says :

 Even the concept of the threefold nature of the human organism or the human being in its entirety has in a certain respect been abolished for occidental civilization by the eighth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in the year 869. I have often mentioned this. The dogma was then established that the Christian does not have to believe in the threefold human being but only in a twofold human being.
The belief in body, soul and spirit was tabooed, and medieval theologians and philosophers who still knew a great deal about the true facts had a hard time to circumvent this truth, for the so-called trichotomy, the “membering” of the human being into body, soul, and spirit had been declared a heresy. They were compelled to teach the duality, namely, that man consists of body and soul, and not of body, soul and spirit.

and here:

Outside the circle of spiritual science, as you know, the total nature of man is thought of as consisting of but two parts, the bodily-physical and the psychic. In the realm of recognized science it is not customary nowadays to mention the spirit. Indeed, following certain premises, the result of reverting to the threefold organization of man (body, soul and spirit), as did the catholicizing Viennese philosopher, Günther, in the nineteenth century, raised scientific misgivings and also the blacklisting, in Rome, of Günther’s interesting books. This was done because as early as 869, at the eighth Ecumenical Council at Constantinople, the Catholic Church, in contradiction to both the Old and the New Testaments, had abolished the spirit. It had guided the development of dogmatism in such a way that the organization of man was permitted to comprise body and soul only. Curiously enough, this catholic development has persisted into our present science. If we seek to ascertain from history why scientists admit only body and soul we find but one reason. In the course of time the spirit has been forgotten; the habits of thought prevalent in certain circles have lost the ability to accept the spirit along with the soul of man.

This has melted soul and spirit together to one unit giving the dualistic view with body and soul as opposites, placing the bad Ego in the body and the goodly in the soul, where the Ego should be in the equilibrium in the soul between the materialistic body and the goodly spirit, we should walk the golden middle-way between the physical and the spiritual..


I have used “The Kabbalistic Sefirot and the Chakras“, and “The Chakras” by, and “Chakras” by Bellabenes Astralseiten (German), in preparation of this text. The Mans inner Cosmic System looks at the organs role in the body. Steiner says that the meaning of Mercury and Venus was changed in old times, so when Steiner connect Venus with the Kidneys and Mercury with the lungs, old traditions will typically do the opposite, as in Universal Healing TAO.

Diagram 13 from An Occult Physiology ...Diagram 14

Notes on Lucifer & Ahriman, The spiritual Bodies and Initiation, and The Eightfold Path. A visually inspiring page on Chakras at Chrystal Links. In “Knowledge of the Higher Worlds And Its Attainment” Rudolf Steiner goes more in depth with the Lotus Flowers or Chakras. In “The Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita” Steiner looks at Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Kundalini Shakta by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). In Alchemy: Salt, Mercury, Sulphur and Alchemy: The Evolution of the Mysteries by Rudolf Steiner.

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation

This paper is quite interesting. The Jews and Christians has thousand of years experience with dream interpretation and they accepted the spiritual world as the source of the dreams which our psychoanalysts don’t, and that limit their success in dream interpretation.


Ha and tha

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